Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
To the last bullet
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2014-12-12
Language English
Scenario Saip011

This short scenario has Japanese holding the hill mass on the north end of the board, and gives them one cave to put in there anywhere in their setup area. I placed the cave in the southern ridge of that northern hill mass, in the one hex with light jungle surrounded by heavy jungle hexes. I placed infantry mixes of full and reduced units to keep the Infantry integrity as much as possible to get that extra benefit in assault, and placed one HMG with the AA gun in the hex outside the cave with the Japanese Captain so he could assist or coordinate fire from the infantry units around him, and gave the last Infantry and HMG to the Sergeant. Marines have to set up at 2 hexes or more from the nearest Japanese force and off the hills, so I massed them just to the south of the hill mass, and put the tanks and halftracks in light jungle where they could advance up the hill to a place on the northern 40M level hill where they could fire on the Japanese AA gun but from the light jungle hex that would give them some protection from return AT fire. The Marine Sgt got the Mortar platoon and was to move with it to the 40M hilltop where he could also direct his own fire on the Japanese AA gun or be in a place to fire on anything else the troops might call in on. Right from the start, Japanese dice rolls were mediocre while Marines rolled either hot or completely cold. The Marines were successful in several early assaults and direct firing on outlying Japanese troops, and by turn 6, had successfully assaulted and eliminated the Japanese Captain, the AA gun and the HMG platoon on the hilltop. Japanese troops that failed their morale checks fled to the east side of the hill in heavy jungle to lick their wounds, while the Marines continued the slaughter on the rest of the hill. In the last two turns, the Japanese force from the east returned after the remaining Japanese troops were wiped out, and that last force of a LT and a reduced platoon assaulted the Marine LTC and the 2 platoons with him, doing little damage but surviving the return fire. It came down to the Marine assault on turn 12, with the Marine Flame unit having moved over from an adjacent hex to join the assault for a first fire, and a Marine 12 roll finished off the small Japanese force. It was entirely possible that the small force would have survived that roll and held out for a Japanese win as the hill had to be free of undemoralized Japanese infantry. Great little game, fast but challenging.

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