Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Wurselen Went Historical
Author Loqtes
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2014-11-30
Language English
Scenario InoG029

On November 16, 1944 the 119th Regiment of the North Carolina National Guard was given the job of securing the town of Wurselen. Wurselen was defended by well entrenched elements of the German 3rd Panzergrenadier Division.

For the scenario the roles were clear. The Americans had to clear all of the town of Wurselen along with two German Strongpoint positions to win which meant all the Germans needed to do was sit and wait in town or in other entrenched positions and let the Americans come to them.

The scenario calls for pieces and maps from Elsenborn Ridge and Casino. However, if you don't own Casino you could still make out on this scenario as the only pieces needed from Casino were the two strongpoint positions and a flame thrower unit. Standard entrenchment pieces could substitute for the Strongpoints even through the strongpoint pieces from Casino are chosen at random with varying values. As for the flame thrower it is a 12-0 piece with movement of 3 that is two step. The second step is a 6-0 piece.

As for the battle, historically, the Americans never seriously threatened the town and took many losses. My scenario went historically accurate. The Americans, try as they might, had a very difficult time penetrating the German positions either in town or at the strongpoints. On turn 6, German Off Board Artillery scored a direct hit taking both an American infantry unit and a 57MM gun from good order to eliminated.

Finally on turn 10 the Americans overcame one of the two German strongpoint positions and on turn 12 many of the American disrupted and demoralized units came back into good order but by then time had begun to run out on forming these units back up and getting them into the battle.

In the end only one of two strongpoint positions were taken and only a small portion of the city was occupied by American forces.

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