Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Daylight Leave and We Wanta Go Home
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor Japan
Play Date 2014-11-28
Language English
Scenario PotE005

Japanese feign from the eastern edge while another force enters from the north, both on board 7 where the Russians have dug in and form a line, while another force has skirted the line and attempts to take a bridge. Russians dug in in depth with an engineer company dug in around the bridge and an artillery battery (2 platoons) set up west of the river. Lots of Russian reinforcements await entry from the south. As the Japanese entered from east and north, I immediately got sidetracked and started assaulting dug-in Russians. While not the goal, it seemed the samurai thing to do, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. This lead to the Azuma group coming in and getting hit by a cavalry charge of Mongolian cavalry, pinning him in place and exposing him to Russian artillery over open sights. With the majority of the Japanese infantry working their way down the line of dug in Russians, Azuma and his troops traded blows with the cavalry turn after turn. The Russian reinforcements were slow to come but by turn 6, all but one force had entered, and the Russian light armor headed immediately for Azuma to take up the slack as the Mongolian cavalry started to fade. Azuma's Captain and his stack of infantry faded away to nothing along with the Mongolian cav, but Azuma and the HMG and infantry he lead personally were enough to take out one step of the Russian BTs, and then as the sun started to fade, and being no closer to taking the bridge than when he first entered the board, Azuma and his survivors succeeded in breaking contact with the Russian armor and headed back to the north before running out of ammo. Game called on the end of turn 9 as neither side could achieve anything more than casualty points and those were being traded just about equally at that point. At the end, the Japanese lead 22 points to 13 for a minor victory. I'm not sure if I'm missing a piece or not but was short one Russian engineer platoon. I used one of the Rumanian Engineers knowing I had to reduce the values should it come into action. As the Japanese never made any real attempt on the bridge, they never did see action.

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