Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Dead Russians Tell No Tales
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor Japan
Play Date 2014-11-27
Language English
Scenario PotE008

This scenario is pretty much spelled out on starting positions. Russians on the board start entrenched except for two stacks behind the hill on board 7, while Japanese start on and around that hill. Both sides have reinforcements, Japanese on turn 8 and Russians on turn 9. Both sides get points for eliminating the opponent while Japan gets points for occupying trenches and Russia gets points for occupying the hill at the end of the game. While the Japanese pushed the Russian forward troops away with heavy losses immediately, they also suffered with one attack force stack being disrupted, and that stack stayed that way for 3 turns before they could advance and assist in attacking trenches. The rest of the force found their way (this is a night scenario, so spotting range of only 1 hex) to the Soviet right and started to work on that edge of the Russian trench line. Things bogged down as assaults on trenches took their toll on both sides, while the better morale of the Japanese was helpful as long as they stayed out of the trenches - their morale drops from 8 to 7 when in the trenches. Reinforcements arrived but the Russians were closer to the trenches so reached the fight slightly ahead of the Japanese troops. The Russian tanks sped on towards the hill, where the Japanese AT guns and one stack of Japanese infantry held 2 of the 3 hexes. The soviet tank leader's platoon took the first step loss, and was then the first of the 2 tank units completely destroyed. While trench fighting raged in the center, the Japanese troops tried assaulting the Russian armor, succeeding in taking another step but becoming disrupted in the process. As it came to the final turn the Japanese troops fell back and allowed the AT guns another shot, and the AT guns finished off the Russian armor. The death toll was 20 Soviet steps to 10 Japanese, so even without either side holding an objective, the Japanese won a major victory.

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