Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
To the last soldier
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2014-11-26
Language English
Scenario Saip006

Although it looked like I knew where this would end up at the start of turn 17, there were enough single step units and leaders on the table, I had to play it out to the bitter end. The Marines start on or just inland from the beach but nothing is dug in anywhere, there are just a few town and jungle hexes to deploy in to protect their initial line. The Japanese start with two heavy guns entrenched on the hill, both capable of taking out armor pretty well with a 6 anti-armor number and plenty of range. I set up the Japanese in 3 attack groups based on a captain with two HMG platoons supporting 3 LTs each with 2 infantry platoons. The Japanese commander set up with the SGT and the mortar on the highest point of the hill, keeping him out of harms way for the most part but keeping him where he can keep an eye on things and move to trouble spots if he can help. The Marines get one plane counter each turn but naval gunfire support is spotty, with the big stuff only available any 3 turns and 30 points available every hour on the hour. Japanese have a couple of 16s that together offer some firepower even against the troops in jungle. Right from the beginning, the Japanese guns ranged in, drawing first blood right away reducing one step from one of the LTV-A4s helping to hole the Marine right flank anchored on the town there. Another turn, another shot and the final step gone of that vehicle. Retaliation didn't take too long as Marine air support over the next two turns came in and rolled exceedingly well, taking out the two guns, leaving their Navy officers to scratch their heads and help call in artillery from what was left of their entrenchments. While Japanese troops got within 2 hexes of the beach, they never really were able to hold and keep any beachfront property as Marine firepower was just too great for them. The two Marine Flame units really took their toll as they make any assault they participate in a Marine First Fire assault, so even the Japanese advantages in assault was of little help where those were found. Japanese losses built quickly, and by the time the 2 Marine M4s came ashore, the Japanese had lost nearly half of their troops. The only other damage they did was to take out the other two steps of LVT in assault, and were promptly dispatched by point blank fire from an adjacent hex. As I mentioned earlier, by turn 17 it looked like it was all over, but there were still 2 or 3 steps of troops on both the north and south ends, with enough leaders present to make it possible to reach and at least contest a beach hex at the last moment, but during those last 3 turns, the Marines were able to outmaneuver and outfight the Japanese troops as the flame units became part of two hunter-killer stacks. At the end, every single step of Japanese troops had been eliminated and just a few officers left. Really good game.

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