Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Surrounded and wiped out!
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2014-10-26
Language English
Scenario InoG001

This scenario is just about the exact opposite of the one I played last from Elsenborn Ridge, same board and all, just Germans defending against US troops. Germans set up one entrenchment next to the road at the southernmost point of the hill and the other one in the light woods near the crossroads, with 2 elements dug in, one on the road and the other adjacent forcing the US troops to fight quickly and eliminate each position to avoid a German unit running out at the last turn to achieve a victory - Germans win if they have one undemoralized unit on a road hex anywhere, and on either road. Leader draw for Germans was fair, the draw for the US troops was on the poor side with only 2 affecting combat and none affecting morale. I use the lowest morale leader usually for a unit that will likely not be directly involved in combat so the 7-0-0 LT lead the two Mortar platoons while the sergeant provided flank security for the Major and 2 groups formed with a captain and 2 LTs to work their way around the flanks of all the German positions. OBA played little part in the game, disrupting but never more a couple of times when a US stack stood in the open to complete an encirclement of one dug-in position. The southernmost entrenchment was surrounded early in the game and eliminated by point blank fire from all around. The stack that had taken all the attention of that German force was able to stand and work on the morale of the demoralized and disrupted platoons, while the rest moved forward and surrounded the next dug-in position, killing it the same way as the first. Again, little damage was done to the US troops as they eliminated the German force. On to the next dug-in position, and now the infantry and mortar in the northern most entrenchment are in range and visibility to start adding their fire, but it's not enough and the last dug-in force is eliminated and the US troops work their way around the last entrenchment. In the end, the Germans lost all the leaders and all but one step of infantry to only 3 steps lost of US troops. I had thought that, as the German, I would start pulling back from each position to strengthen the others and avoid these losses, but as the US commander, the encirclement seemed to be the best approach to the engagement and worked well, keeping Germans from being able to leave their positions and ensuring losses even to the surviving leaders who found themselves surrounded. This game gave me a lot of practice in fire and maneuver, and showed me a few things about where not to place my defenders. More overlapping fire and less isolation. Woods are nice but they block line of sight for the defender and make massed point blank fire more deadly and more likely.

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