Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
50th Game Report
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2014-10-24
Language English
Scenario Saip005

And still it holds true, the best way to have a win is to really read the victory conditions. The Japanese set up 2 of the heavy guns on the southern hill facing the western edge and entrenched, with the third gun, the Japanese army gun, entrenched on the smaller northern hill, again facing the shore. Japanese outposts were spread out between the two hills, with the Major holding the village with one platoon, a security platoon at northern and southern guns and the HMG with the remaining gun. Intent was to not only have direct fire at targets but to have at least somebody each turn to call in OBA. Marines decided to land fully on the northern half of the board and got troops across the road and into the area northwest of the road quickly. A strong force assaulted the Japanese entrenchment on the northern hill after hill a brief softening up by direct fire and air assets, but the entrenchment was extremely difficult to take, and wore down a lot of Marine assets for several turns before a few good die rolls destroyed the gun and demoralized the infantry and leaders with it. Direct fire from the southern hill was ineffective as the Marines stayed out of sight as much as possible, and several Japanese troops died trying to keep the Marines in sight for OBA missions. In the end, it looked like a good US win, the Marines having stopped taking losses at 7 steps, and having taken the one entrenchment and having more than 20 steps inside the northwest area of the road. And then I found that one line. Control 2 or more entrenchments. Well, it is a good scenario, and there was a more than fair chance for the Marines to move on to the southern hill and take one of the entrenchments had I remembered the full details of victory conditions. So, with the Japanese not taking 8 or more steps of Marines, and the Marines not controlling 2 or more entrenchments, game ends a draw. Good scenario. And a good 50th game of PG.

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