Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
French Hold Out
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor France
Play Date 2014-10-11
Language English
Scenario FaoF001

This was a tough one to play solo. French hold 2 bridges and have a small reserve of an armored car and a portee 25mm AT gun against a pretty good force of Gross Deutschland troops. Both have small reinforcing elements, the German Pz I coming with some OBA while the French motorcycle troops and armored cars come on the German side of the river to harry the German effort to take the 2 bridges. In hindsight, I wasn't aggressive enough with the Germans. I did get a force across the river to the east of the French, but they got bogged down in assault in the only town hex I was able to get to, while the rest of the force was bogged down on the other side of the river, one stuck in an assault in a town hex to the northwest side of the board and I wasn't able to build an effective assault force to attack the two roadblocks at the bridges. The German armor spent most of the game shooting at the roadblocks from adjacent hexes, somewhat daring the French to come out and attack them, but their fire had very limited success, finally taking 2 steps over time of the western roadblock but not inflicting any morale failures to take advantage of. In the end, the French held all but the one contested town hex, losing 6 steps to only 2 German step losses. Points added up for a French major victory, 14 points to 6. The river crossing scenarios are tough nuts to crack and will take a lot more work as I learn to deploy an attack force that stands a good chance of taking the objectives.

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