Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Soviet Forces Cut To Pieces In Front Of Rassinye But Keep It To A Draw
Author vince hughes (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Draw
Participants waynebaumber
Play Date 2008-10-11
Language English
Scenario EFDx012

This game was played ftf with Wayne Baumber way back in October 2008. When PG-HQ burst onto the scene, it was one of the only plays that I had that I did not have the AAR copy of in my saved docs. Therefore, I could never be bothered to re-write it. Well now, I've copied it from the paper version to here, and whence its rather late arrival.

The Germans deployed most of their infantry in positions in front of the town of Rassinye and set to work digging in. In Rassinye itself, two batteries of 105mm guns had been deployed and these were to play an important part in the battle. To their left flank, a small force had been deployed in the large forested area to either delay or prevent any Soviet surge there. To the right, on an area of 600m of hill were deployed more guns and a few infantry. In front of Rassinye and between the forest and town, a number of AT guns were positioned hidden amongst the wheatfields.

The Soviet onslaught begun about 1000 hours. Their forces entered from the east, with the majority of them heading towards the forested area and a small town beyond that. Though impressive on paper, the armoured units that had been clubbed together had little in the way of technology that would enable them to communicate with friendly forces around them. This would lead them to being slow to react and generally very preponderous during the battle.

Soviet casualties began 'whirring' round from 1015 hours onwards. Very quickly, their 76mm artillery batteries were targetted by spotters for the German 105's and as a result, 75% of them were knocked out before they ever had a chance to fire. Their infantry also lost 4 or 5 steps before 1100 hours. In reply, it was the German armour that suffered first. Armoured cars, followed by some 38t's were taken out by Soviet AFV's. Meanwhile, the German infantry, supported by their sparse mortar numbers and those 105's waited for the 'Mongol' infantry to advance within range of the forested area on the right flank.

When the Soviet infantrymen closed on the forest, the carnage was shocking. What appeared to be a coordinated attack soon transcended into a turkey shoot. Russian infantry were cut down on approach by small arms fire and the requested 105mm artillery support. Wherever the Red infantrymen did make headway, German armour then supported their foot colleagues as well in conjunction with the close artillery support that churned upthe Soviet attack. As this went on, some troops of Soviet armour had failed to even advance in the day due to a failure of communications. These tanks were now needed desperately by the Soviets.

On the right flank, the Soviets had massed for an armour attack supported by infantry against the raised ground defended by a lesser amount of Wehrmacht than in other areas. However, by 1215 hours, some of the German infantrymen dug-in in front of the town had been released to bolster the numbers on this hill. Around 1230-1300 hours the Soviet attack went in. It was bold and aggressive, but lacked any fire support to soften the intended target. Once again, Soviets were cut down severely and many AFV's were wiped out also. The heavier Russian tanks, when available did manage to flush out the lighter German models, but this support was spasmodic. As a result, the Soviet right flank attack faltered with many casualties and fell back to its start line. Again, much debris and bodies remained in the area.

By 1330 hours, on the left flank, despite the Germans inflicting heavy casualties, the Sovietattack was slowly grinding back the invaders forces through the forest. Though, never in a position to destroy them, the Soviet commander did inflict notable casualties on his enemy there, but at a very severe loss to himself. What was more, between the forest and the farm area mentioned earlier, German tanks and AT had dealt a very heavy blow to Russian armour trying to pass that open area making a bid to attack Rassinye.

As the Soviets regrouped from their checks between 1345-1415 hours, casualties of course subsided. Further dabbles and prods against German defences seemed to result in further Russian losses. Although the forest was finally captured in most part around 1500 hours, it was clear to the Soviet command that the Germans would not be thrown from the field, and to try to do so would result in a ridiculous loss of life ... Even at Soviet levels ! Having faced such an onslaught and realising how ineffective their light Czech tanks were when faced with T34 and KV tanks, the Germans were also stuck in a position of non-advance. Like the day before, an impasse had been reached, albeit with a far higher toll in blood.

In all Soviet casualties came to 37 steps (13 foot, 17 AFV and 7 guns). The German losses were 13 steps (5 foot, 6 AFV, an APC and a gun). Battle was resulted as a draw

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