Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Losing My Mojo As Well As The Scenario
Author vince hughes (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Britain
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2014-10-05
Language English
Scenario LIBE027

This game was played ftf against Wayne Baumber in one session. I hadn't played for quite a while due to 'hitting a wall' with the game and I was using this to try and get me back into the game.

The Scenario has a thin screen of Germans trying to defend a largish front against a British advance. Sensibly, after set-up, Wayne concentrated his forces and began the advance against one side of the German front. The British were in two groups. One that was creeping down the board edge and another a little further in than that.

The RAF managed to destroy a step of StG's early on before they had even turned on their engines and then the British foot troops were soon after the German AT's. These were eventually located and destroyed with the AT's only inflicting 1 step of Sherman damage. The RAF then had another hit on the StG's and things were getting very shakey indeed.

The board I'm afraid and the new counters also led to some serious German mistakes. The shading on the hills was so bad that the British were being credited with hedgerow cover each turn. As the game was cleared up, we later discovered these to be merely shading. That was very annoying. Later on in the game and the incident that led to the final destruction of the StG's was that although I knew they were Firefly's I was facing and I had set up a shot for 8 hexes away, the Firefly ratings had changed from 6-7 to 8-8. The Brits won the initiative and instead of a '3' AT shot at long range, they in fact got an '8' AT shot thus finishing off any anti-armour values I had.

The German troops left would have had to traverse the board to fight the flanking attack (the other British attack was pretty stationary but tied up German troops). There seemed little point in dragging the game on from there.

My main disappointment is that this play did not inspire me to want to play more. Before the result became apparent, I wasn't exactly enjoying the game for some unknown reason. What I can say was the Lib boards are far too dark to see terrain properly (we even suddenly 'discovered' some light woods in game turn 7) and having used the fat counters from this set, they are now a confirmed no-no for me. The scenario is rated a '3' for the scenario itself, but the package would be deducted one for the God awful boards actually leading to misreads !

Not sure when my next game will be in this system. This game didn't provide the required 'Uumph' today.

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