Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Tanks dont make very good bunkers
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2014-09-24
Language English
Scenario Saip036

This scenario has two half-step Japanese tanks dug in and immobilized as bunkers. The handful of Japanese infantry (half of them reduced to start) and an HMG have to cover the width of board 83, while US Army comes in from the east side of the board. The trail to the south of the hill masses is the best route for the US M-5s but the infantry can come along just about anywhere, so the Japanese decided to cover the eastern slopes of the western hill, sitting in jungle so the US troops have to expose themselves to find them. The Japanese guns on the tanks are not very effective, and both were knocked out by turn 5, one getting killed by AT fire from the M-5, the other getting nailed with snake-eyes in assault. The Marines win by keeping casualties low while eliminating at least 1 tank and 5 steps of the Japanese, so the Army major and a rather poor LT lead a force of 2 full and 1 reduced platoons of INF off the west end of the board along the trail followed by the M-5 to get the exit victory. They had already eliminated all but 1 step necessary for a major US win, so the remaining 3 leaders, 3 INF, 1 ENG and 2 HMGs fired, called arty and finally assaulted, getting the last step on the final turn and avoiding all but 1 step of US losses. Great little game, lots of replay possibilities as there are so many ways to defend and attack on this board.

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