Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
A few more Germans still take on more than they can chew.
Author GeneSteeler
Method Solo
Victor Britain
Play Date 2010-07-12
Language English
Scenario BeNo007


Heavy rain obscures visibility and the terrain is soggy.

1615 (visibility = 4)

Germans advance through the haze. A few shells fly through the air and the StuG IIIG is eliminated by the Firefly.

1630 (visibility = 6)

German armour retaliates and elements of the 29th Armoured Brigade are shattered, losing all but 2 Shermans.

The German Marder III tank destroyer is lost.

1645 (visibility = 8)

German armour advances and the StuG IIIH is reduced by the British 17-pounder. (Which in turn is targeted by German artillery and destroyed).

1700 (light rain, visibility = 7+)

British 6-pdrs eliminate the remaining StuGs. Germans move into assault in the South.

(half time)


British HMG eliminate by Grenadier fire. PzIVH move to town and are hit by British Typhoons!


6th King’s Own Scottish Borderers are pounded in the south. The Fusiliers move south to assist.

Another Typhoon passes and wrecks havoc eliminating 2x PzIVH steps!!!

German morale took a big hit here. Those panzers were sorely needed and the Typhoon was incredibly lucky making that air strike.

SS infantry surrounds South St. Manvieu.


SS foot troops assault the town, but they are alone as no SS armour remains. German army armour is demoralized and fleeing.


The British hold out.



This mission is very similar to Scenario 6, but with a few more Germans, a few less British and one less turn to complete.

The British were incredibly lucky with their air strikes, but I still feel that even without, they still have a huge advantage over the Germans. As was historical, the counter-attack failed.

Scenario Rating: 2/5 – Quick battle. A few more Germans, but still quite imbalanced.

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