Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Bloody, bloody beaches
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2014-08-02
Language English
Scenario Saip015

This is somewhat of a reverse scenario, with the Japanese trying a landing at night against dug in Marines with lots of local big guns. There's even a naval gunboat wandering around. I set up the Marines along the beach so that the Japanese landing craft would have to come inside of the 2 hex sighting range somewhere a turn or two before they could start landing. That and a starshell lit up the night and gave a 105 some AT targets. Two barges loaded with troops went down immediately. Turn 3 saw the first 3 stacks landing, 2 immediately into assaults with defending Marines while the other stack, down to just one since his partner was one of the boats lost to AT fire, landing in a hex adjacent to a 75mm gun, which also happened to be where the good Colonel was hanging his hat. That made for a bad day for 1 platoon but surprisingly they rallied immediately their next turn and ended up assaulting the colonel and his gun. Marines are tough, and those gunners and the colonel held on long enough to be joined by 2 platoons and an LT, which pretty much wiped out the Japanese force. Two other hexes of assaults went back and forth for a few more turns, but by turn 8, Japanese losses were up to 21 steps, with only 2 demoralized reduced platoons and a sergeant left. Even the Japanese air force was having a tough time, as the one close call, a hit on one of the gun batteries, ended up with an M1 morale check, which the Marines took in stride. Interesting game, only 1 step lost for the Marines, with a few minutes of wonder waiting to see if they would ralley or not, but the morale gods smiled on the Marines this day, and they brought themselves back from the brink each time.

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