Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Two battles for the price of one
Author waynebaumber
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2014-06-20
Language English
Scenario AGSU003

This scenario played over 6 boards has a mix of Romanian and German units trying to take all the towns on at least three of the boards. The Soviets have to defend a wide front but are well led and have good morale. My Russian set up was to concede the board 22 towns without a fight, put some units on the board 16 town but the majority of units would set up on board 24. There was a small screen of units on the Soviet left on board 25 to cover the deployment of reinforcements who would defend the towns on board 23. The Axis attack is somewhat dictated to by the set up instructions. The Axis left flank attack is made up of Romanian Guards units supported by Panthers and Tigers, the right flanks is the GD division with Stug support. I detailed a German GREN company with ENG support to take the town on Board 16, 3 Panthers would also move to support this attack. Initially all went well for the Axis forces, the German GREN brushed aside the Soviet roadblock without loss and the town on board 16 was cleared of enemy troops is reasonable quick time. With more than half the game to go 2/3 of the VC had been achieved, by now though the battle had become two separate affairs with the Romanians with German tank support moving towards Board 24 and its towns, and the GREN of GD division already involved in skirmishes on the outskirts of the Board 23 towns and the hastily thrown up dugout of the 81st Guards. For a few turns I could not decide as the German commander which of my two attacks had the most chance of succeeding, and activation's flitted between both flanks. In the end I went for the left flank attack as there was now no enemy tanks of A/T guns on that side of the board. The Romanian INF threw themselves at the staunch Soviet defenders and losses on both sides quickly mounted. FOW now played a part and their were three very short game turns from GT17 thru to GT20 (GT19 was longer) which threw the Axis attack off schedule. By this time there were some German ground troops now in support of the Royal Guards but they got sucked into the vicious house to house fighting which was now raging in 4 of the 6 town hexes and were unable to join up with the German tanks. The Soviets encouraged by their KOM now launched a limited counterattack which succeeded in Disrupting and Demoralising a whole stack of Romanian INF/ENG and a German PANTHER, meanwhile on the right flank very little was happening just the odd long range shot and the ongoing assaults on the edge of town. Finally with Axis losses outstripping the Soviets the attack was called off. The Perimeter would not be expanding as much as my waist. A good solid scenario this, I am sure Herr Hughes would have made a better job of this attack,however the scenario does though show that any alliance is a strong as it's weakest link the axis had 25 step losses 20 of them being Romanian, (though to be fair they did do most of the fighting) A good set up for the Russians also helped make this a little more one sided than it should have been. Worthy of a replay this one!

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