Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
When Kommisars make a difference between a stalemate or victory
Author Brett Nicholson
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2014-05-25
Language English
Scenario EFDx033

I probably got my playing time's worth out of this one more than most. When playing solo I tend to take more risks than I normally would in a shared match, especially on the offensive. In this case I charged the Romanian hill positions straight on in the most bold yet potentially suicidal manner with the Soviets. Initially losses were high for the Soviets and soon half the attacking force was sent reeling back away from the hill but enough units were able to get on to the hill and flank the Romanians. Then the dreadful Soviet OBA at 3x16 began to wreak havoc on the defenders, uprooting or eliminating many units from dug-in positions. Both sides bashed each other apart and for a while losses were about equal. However, the Kommisar I drew for the Soviets had a '10' rating and was very efficient at rallying the many demoralized Soviet units; only one reduced INF unit was terminated for failing to rally. Also, both sides had only a handful of leaders but with the Soviets I was able to keep a good relay system going and getting stranded and leaderless units back into the fray.

Close to midway through the battle both sides were thoroughly battered but the difference was that the Soviets continued to not only maintain a presence on the hill but were able to keep driving on, while the Romanians kept getting run off the hill. Once Romanian units became reduced and/or demoralized there was not much hope for them with the morale rating of 7/5. They really needed a Kommisar of their own! Soon it became clear that dislodging the Soviets from the hill would be near impossible and with Romanian losses now over 10 steps a win was out of the question. However, the Romanians did come through with some heroics; especially when assaulting the two platoons of T-26's and in that gamble managed to eliminate all of them. Also, after all other Romanian leaders were eliminated the remaining Capitan did rally for one last bold but futile stand on the furthest western hill postion, taking out one last Soviet INF step before being captured. Now, with all Romanian leaders gone, their 81mm mortar eliminated and the remaining units pushed off the hill there was no way to push forward or retake postions; meanwhile the Soviets had completed digging-in on the contested hill. A Soviet victory was decisive by 13:00/turn 25.

This was the first scenario I've played that a Kommisar had played a very significant role. In any other case those demoralized Soviet units would of stayed out of the battle much longer as their morale wasn't much better than the Romanian's at 7/6. Also, the Soviets did very well with the few leaders alotted to them, even after losing a Captain. Though this one turned out to be a major upset for the Romanians they did hold out longer than I initially expected.

2014-05-28 15:35

Interesting AAR Brett, highlights the difference between Solo and FTF play.

2014-05-30 06:55

This was the fifth Romanian loss out of five Romanian solo plays so far. Really thought they would at least manage a draw from this one but no such luck. Solo plays are good for experimenting or trying unusual tactics but there is nothing unusual about Soviets driving head-on suicidally. They most likely wouldn't of managed this one without the Kommisar intimidating and forcing units back into the attack.

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