Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Hell's Fury III : A large but flawed scenario
Author waynebaumber (Soviet Union)
Method Face to Face
Victor Germany
Participants vince hughes (AAR)
Play Date 2014-05-24
Language English
Scenario TaBa023

This games was played FtF over six sessions plus a session to prep for the game. This is a truly massive scenario and will need two sets of EFD and Red Warriers to play. Even at first glance though problems rear their head, the map of the scenario shows only 4 boards (including 2 Board 4's) but also mentions board 3 which is not shown on said map. Where does it go? It actually goes on the East edge of the eastern board 4 to make an L shaped map configuration. Other problem's arose while sorting out the counters, Gds Cav have two differing values from Red Warriors and RTB as do Gds 76.2 artillery, these can all be sorted out reasonably easily but highlights the issues I have with APL and their lack of even basic proof reading let alone play-testing. Anyway rant over, how does it play? Well not overly well actually. VP's are awarded for enemy step eliminated and control of towns. The Germans start on the board and are in control of all the towns, they do have to set limitations which basically mean they have to have units on all 5 boards. Vince set up all his units in hedgehog defenses in the towns apart from one company covering the woods to the North of Nikononva, his 2 Stugs covering the two east-west roads. One slightly odd aspect of this scenario is that both sides appear to set up simultaneously as no one side is shown to set up first. This of course favours the defender more than the attacker. My set up and plan as the Soviet commander was to take the high ground south of the town on Board 2 then swing south to take Podosinka joining with the eastern thrust on board 3 who were to take Nikonova these forces would then push westwards to greet the trapped 6th Corps who were tasked to take the town on board 1 and assist with the final assault on Maloe Kropotova. That would mean taking 4 of the 5 towns for 35 VPs and hoping that I would lose no more than 2 steps to every German one. This proved far too ambitious for several reason. German OBDA could deliver 2 X 55 shots per turn The snow slowed the advance to a crawl There was never enough time organise units which had been disrupted/demoralized back into line. In fact given Vince's set up I do not believe a Soviet win is possible without a lot of bizarre die rolls. As this game took in real time over 6 months to play I am not going to even try and describe in any detail of how the action went. So in general terms my easterly thrust after losing massive casualties finally overwhelmed the stout German defense of Nikonova, the south-easterly thrust took the undefended high ground but the attack against the middle town never got going, thanks mainly to leader casualties, at one stage the German commander was dropping 55 barrage's on sole leaders, the attack against the town on board 1 was successful in as much as that was the only area where German casualties exceeded Russian casualties although the town was still being contested by the end of play. The 6th Tank Corps attack was beaten off with ease and they would have been almost wiped out if the German had gone on the counterattack. I called the game at the end of GT26 although my own belief was that by the end of our second session the scenario was lost already for the Soviets. **I like them big and meaty, scenarios that is not women, but does this scenario repay the time and effort that we put in. The short answer is no. Yes we had some laughs and there were even some exciting moments but this was far too easy for the German in my book. I am surprised that Vince rates this as highly as he does but I can not recommend this scenario. **

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