Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
The Sounds of Armor Burning in the Desert
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2014-05-02
Language English
Scenario AfKo034

Started this quick scenario as a lunch time game. The initial action, as in many close-range scenarios, starts with the first initiative die roll, giving the Germans the opportunity to get to the hill first. The British armor targeted the Panzer IIs thinking of a quick 4 steps towards victory, but the force wasn't with them today. Both sides maneuvered a little between shots to try to get adjacent target shots, but the Germans were in a better position to get a crossfire fairly quickly, drawing first blood/step loss with a resulting Demoralized result. The Germans were unable to kill a second step of any one platoon, for a while, but they didn't really need to for several turns, taking in turn a step from each of the other two British tank platoons, followed finally by a second step loss on the northern most British platoon. The first British platoon to be hit failed his recovery roll and took off down the road to get out of the 150% range of the German MkIIIG, finally succeeding in shedding his demoralization and then disruption. The other surviving demoralized reduced British tank platoon passed the returning one on the road after he also failed his recovery test. Although the gallant British surviving armor tried a final shot in the growing darkness, it just was not to be, and all 6 steps of German armor succeeded in turning and heading back down the road for a major victory. Great game, reinforcing my knowledge of armor rules and my first British vs Germany scenario.

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