Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Can't win before you even start
Author dricher
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2014-04-29
Language English
Scenario Airb017

This scenario needs errata. The American win condition requires five UNITS (very specific, vs steps for German and similar unit vs step in Juncture II) that enter board 1 to reach the town on board 3. Unfortunately, there are only four units to start. No chance of victory. If the correction is four units, the Germans only need stop one unit from making the race to prevent the victory. Even with no Germans on the board the American HMG would need 10 of the 12 turns to reach the town. With Germans, fuhgeddaboutit. Perhaps the requirement is three? Since I seem to be the first to notice this error (can't find errata anywhere for this scenario), I'm guessing the world may never know.

I play anyway, the Americans hoping for their draw, but pushing for the town nonetheless. The Germans get early reinforcements, and a unit of Grens reinforce the town occupying HMG before the Americans can even get to the town. The Americans cannot risk the charge to assault range, as the opfire would come in on the 45+ column (Lt adds one to the combined 15 strength, shift for opfire, two for adjacent...). So, it's time to move around the town. The other Grens join, both move in a blocking position just outside the board 3 unit fire range, and the German HMG just rips dispersals on moving Americans. One of the units does not recover for SIX TURNS, another for five turns. With two units basically immobile, the other two manage to reach the town. No matter how you slice it, not enough units reach the town (I assume). But, the Germans inflict zero step losses. A boring, confusing draw. Even the American OBA can't generate goodness, only showing three times and failing to hit on two of those bombardments. The Germans should have charged the disrupted units earlier, but motivation was apparently lacking.


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