Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Japanese barely hang on and hold out this time around
Author Brett Nicholson (Japan)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Japan
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2014-04-24
Language English
Scenario Guad013

This time around I got the Japanese and after Wayne and I flipped the leaders over it had mixed results; the Japanese got more with morale modifiers while the Americans got mostly cannon fodder except for one bad-assed sergeant with a 10-1-2 rating which seemed to make up for other's shortcomings. Wayne clearly managed his raider force better than I did and made sure to send lone leaders out to observe what units and leaders I had in the jungle hexes and to spot for OBA. This time the Japanese took a good number of losses and weren't able to do much damage to the raider force. Soon the battle looked as if it would end in a stalemate but then midway through the question came up about control of hexes. I thought that control belonged to the side that originally occupied the hex and that it retained control even in an assault, as long as there were still units in the hex from being the original defenders. Wayne believed that in the case of an assault that neither side exercised control until one side was forced out. So, this made it an entirely new situation. All that raiders had to do was keep a presence in either objective hex to prevent a Japanese victory and force a draw. With only a few turns left to go the Japanese situation became very desperate but quick-thinking and a degree of luck I was able to block the raiders from assaulting either hex by going on the offensive with suicidal counterattacks. It worked but just barely. I joked about aetting this one up a third time and going for round three but honestly didn't want to get humiliated playing the Americans again! So, after this second play, depending on how hex control is defined, the Americans do have a decent chance of a draw and people have recorded American victories in previous plays -my hat's off to them! This was my first shared play with 'Guadalcanal' and it is a good introductory scenario to get a feel for the jungle and there are no hidden units in it. It was a hard-hitting match and tense with playing either side. Next up we plan to continue on with another one from 'Guadalcanal' with "The Zuma Battalion" to see who really is the king of the jungle!

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