Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
English Attack
Author driddle01
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2014-04-20
Language English
Scenario LIBE024

The Germans set up with most of their INF and HMG in the forward town. They place the mortars and indirect units in the rear town. The Brits enter their firebase force with the HMGs and INF to set up a base of fire. The assault force with SAPs and INF enter south of them with the intention of circling the German force and entering the forward town from the rear. Finally, an additional force with tanks and INF proceed along the southern edge to attack the rear town and German force.

The British fire group sets up two hexes from the German forward town to keep them occupied. The Germans continue to fire on them and start to weaken the right flank. Meanwhile, the British flanking force proceeds through the woods south of town, and the southern force heads for the western most town.

Between German off board artillery and direct fire, the British lose four steps on their right flank of the base force. However, the southern force has moved to the western town and eliminated the German mortars and artillery. The Germans keep the British fire force at bay, and the flanking force continues to move around south of the town.

The British take control of the western town (3 hexes), but their fire base force maintains its distance from the Germans in the main town. The British begin to consolidate their forces around the town, but the German fire keeps the force disrupted and at bay. The British force closes in, and prepares for its final assault, but effective German fire keeps the attack from moving in smoothly.

The game ends as a draw with the Germans maintaining control of the eastern town.

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