Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Lots of action and fun...for the American...not so much for the German...
Author dricher (United States)
Method Face to Face
Victor United States
Participants unknown
Play Date 2014-04-18
Language English
Scenario Airb015

The Germans set up in and adjacent to the two towns, leaving the entrance/exit hex unguarded. The Gren/HMG units were either in 0604 or dug in adjacent to 0803, two per hex. The ATG was dug in between the towns to improve spotting opportunities, with the truck and 81mm in hex 0803. The Americans began a cautious approach, leaving the M4 unit tucked out of sight. German OBA on the first two turns caused several disruptions, while the American OBA had no real effect despite the hailstorm of incoming rounds. American recovery rolls were also less than ideal.

That changed on turn 3. The massive OBA bombardment blew the ATG to smithereens, taking the Lt with it. The Americans moved within one hex of 0604 through the hedgerows, while the M4 lumbered up the road. The Americans, realizing only time was the enemy, decided to risk one more OBA strike before moving adjacent. Excellent choice, as the Gren in the town died a 2-step death, also taking the Sergeant. The assault two turns later slaughtered the HMG. A flanking unit took control of the exit hex, and the majority of the American force cautiously approached 0803, knowing there were still six turns remaining. Another arty strike on the town killed off the half step Gren unit that left its dugout to defend the town. The Captain was also demoralized, and the mortars disrupted. An attempt to recover led to the desertion of the Captain, causing a decapitation that froze the remaining Gren in place and prevented it from reinforcing the town. The Americans gang-rushed the town, got initiative on the next turn, and assaulted for the victory. I let the German player attempt to retake the town with his remaining Gren, but it was destroyed and the Lt killed in the attempt. No American losses.

Okay, I rated it a two, but I was having a bad day and thoroughly enjoyed wiping out the German force. It was a blast…for the American player. The German player had little to really do, which is common for one side or the other in this box. Great scenario for a newbie to learn some attack skills while under time pressure, but not so good as a two player scenario. While I rolled great turn 3 and beyond, the American OBA is at devastating strength. 56 points deliverable as a single attack. With only eight combat steps, a couple of good rolls ends this scenario before the German has much chance. Nothing survived on the German side, no American step losses, and all in nine turns. It was a secret pleasure, but the rating reflects that I suspect a serious balance issue, and I need to be fair.

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