Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Goodwood advances slowly
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Britain
Play Date 2014-03-03
Language English
Scenario LIBE018

A very overwhelming looking scenario from the German perspective with eight British companies advancing south from there start line to face barely three Heer companies. They must hold the towns of Cuverville and Demouville after a heavy bombing has turned them to rubble. Support is scares, one platoon of PzIVH's and one of PzIVF2's as well as mortar and AA support, but they must cover a 4 km front that is 10km deep and prevent the British force from opening a gap. To do this they will have to hit and run and pick where they will make a stand.

The Germans setup with once force that will be mobile and attack and run and another that will hold key positions. The tanks will and a couple of platoons will hit and run, setting up on the board 57 in hidden positions. Behind them on board 59, one company will hold Cuverville while another will hold Demouville. Support units will be dispersed between the two. Cuverville receives the ENG, HMG and the S307F, while the mortars and SK/4 to Demouville.

The British setup massed to the north edge of the boards. The Cromwells and Croodile advance down the road while flanked by the rifle platoons with supporting HMGs and 3in mortars. They will try to sweep the first board, 57, to establish control over this board before proceeding to the 59. They will need to content will hidden units and German OBA before they can get established.

The advance starts slow with the British only being able to get a couple of scouting companies on board before FoW hits. But hidden German FO's draw first blood with a direct hit on a RIF with a 2X. The British continue to advance and find one of the first hidden German GREN's. They try to suppress it with OBA but it is able to retreat back to board 59. German tanks remain quite while the British maneuver. But this changes as they begin to close on there cloaked positions. From the low hill south of the town the PzIVH fire at advancing Cromwells but misses. It will retire to board 59 on the next turn. British RIF try to close on the tanks but can reach them on the hill. German OBA hits again and demoralized more rifle platoons, but the German SGT that was spotting is discovered and nearly captured and he to runs south.

To the west the other British wing advances to discover the other German platoon. After a quick exchange of fire the Germans retreat back to to board 59. This just leaves the PzIVF2 to deal with. But this was actually hidden on board 59, but this gives the British pause and FoW comes early on several turns to reinforce the issue of timidity for the British.

Several turns pass and the British have advanced on the town of Cuverville. The Cromwell's lead the advance through the northern fields. The German companies hold their fire and wait for the infantry to close as well. But the Cromwells provide a wall and heavy fire on the town, but little effect on the Germans. Although German FO's are directing killing fire on the advancing British, two more steps of RIF's are lost as well as two other are demoralized. Direct fire by the German company also disrupts an attacking Cromwell slowing the British fire. But soon the British close for assaults and get into the town. Heavy fighting in the town last for an hour before the Germans start to break and they can see that they are being flanked by other British units. But the German PzIVH comes to the rescue and flanks the British assaults and is able to claim a step of Cromwell's. This cause the British to falter and the move back into the northern fields. Other Cromwells maneuver for a shot on the Germans.

The PzIVH holds the German advance up but the Cromwells are too speedy and are able to get into a crossfire position. The German still has the advantage and try to take out one of the Cromwell's when the get the initiative, but miss. The Cromwells miss too, but British RIF's are able to close and assault the PzIVH destroying it with grenades and PIAT's. With the eastern flank secure the British look to clear Cuverville, but the Germans have other ideas.

By this point in the war the Germans were well apt at defensive battles and the one company had good leadership. A Captain 9-0-1 and a LT 10-1-1 control the town with their company. Heavy fire by there HMG keeps the RIF's at bay, but the Cromwell CS and another Cromwell have closed and fire point blank at the HMG, eventually breaking the HMG and is flees. The other GREN's hold had provides cover. Eventually the RIF/HMG's close and assault the defending company. The initial assault takes over an hour to produce results,but the GREN's are able to get out of the assault without a scratch. The frustrated British, bring up the Crocodile to close the deal, but again the Germans try to escape, this time it fails and they lose a step and the Captain is mortally wounded. This leaves just the LT with his GREN. Surrounded and pressed the LT and GREN are lost in a subsequent assault.

To the west the mobile GREN and its LT link up with the hidden PzIVF2 to hold the small town on board 59. They are able to provide a good defense before a RIF and LT are able to close on the town. These were the advanced units from the other western wing of the British advance. They close but are hit with OP fire and disrupt and demoralize. More RIF's advance but are hit with German OBA and another full step of RIF's are lost. Eventually the German GREN is demoralized and must flee leaving the tank by itself. The British close to assault and destroy this one too.

At this point the British have enough point or a win with clearing both boards 57 and 59, but have high losses. Further advances put the British onto board 58 and they take more minor towns to give them a close to a major victory and the Germans with no chance to recover.

In the end losses are heavy, the Germans lose both the PzIVH, PzIVF2 and S307F as well as 3 platoons of GRENs an HMG and two leaders, while the British lose 3 platoons of RIF and 1 Cromwell, but the bigger losses is cohesion, there 12 British units that are demoralized or disrupted.

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