Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Like an axe splitting hairs
Author GeneSteeler
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2010-07-01
Language English
Scenario RtBr003

German Strategy/Thoughts: Charge, overwhelm and get through as quickly as possible. Soviet off-board artillery can only reach the southern maps, so keep trucks to the north if possible. We can either advance through the north town, woods, centre or south. North town – will slow us down too much. As will the woods. Therefore go for the centre. Infantry to walk beside trucks to avoid being decimated by anti-tank fire. Will send APCs through the woods for protection.

Soviet Strategy: If we can slow the Germans down enough, then it will allow time for the guards to move up and get in their way. Pray. A Lot.

Note: Score will be denoted by (x-y), where x=Soviet casualties, y=German casualties.

The Battle


German advance begins. Soviet AT Guns ineffective against the PzIVHs. Soviets respond with some artillery and moving their T-34s into sight (in the north).

0715 - 0730

Hetzers in the west get first fire and reduce a T-34 platoon. Return fire just fails to penetrate the Hetzer’s armour.

Hetzers fire again and reduce the second T-34 platoon. German infantry advances and the Soviet AT Gun is overrun.

Soviet artillery claims the first German casualty after their AT Gun battery just misses the PzIVH platoon (7-1)


German artillery slams into the Soviet defenders on the north side of the hill. (9-1)

Hetzers advance to the north to line up the demoralized T-34s that failed to rally.

In the far north, the Guards are moving south to intercept the Viking Division.


Hetzers finish off one T-34 platoon as the other routs.

German artillery eliminates the Guard’s 76.2mm in the southeast. There is very little that still threatens the German panzers. (14-1)


Hetzers move into the woods out of sight of the Guard’s AT Gun battery in the northwest.

German infantry moves in trucks and APCs en masse towards the east. They stay to the north out of range of the Soviet off-board artillery. (15-1)

0830 - 0845

Germans make a dash for it as the Soviets move to intercept. The closest Soviets are eliminated by direct fire from the panzers which are protecting the infantry. (20-1)

0900 – 0915

German forces begin to exit to the east. German engineers left in the west are eliminated by Soviet artillery. (23-2)

More Germans exit (total of 17 foot and mortar platoons have crossed the map). The Hetzers are too far behind and are getting ambushed. (They should not have dallied with the T-34s). (25-2)

0930 – 0945

Soviet guards assault the German armour reducing some PzIVH and some Hetzers!

A subsequent assault eliminates the Hetzers in the west. (36-12)

1000 – 1015

German armour exits except for a single demoralized PzV platoon. An SS captain calls in for German artillery, but he is killed by Soviet mortars.

The PzV is assault by guard infantry and eliminated! (38-16)



Germans achieved victory in half the allotted time splitting the Soviet forces like an axe. Their key was eliminating all Soviet Anti-Tank guns and driving down the centre between the Soviet sectors.

Scenario Rating 4/5. Taking about 2 and a half hours playtime, this spearhead through the Soviet lines was more interesting than Scenario 2. There are also the "logisitics" to consider and keeping the chain of command through subordinate activation. The thing I also enjoy about these scenarios is even the initial set-up is full of choice and decisions. Making the whole experience enjoyable.

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