Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Like watching paint dry...
Author dricher (United States)
Method Face to Face
Victor Draw
Participants unknown
Play Date 2012-12-22
Language English
Scenario Airb013

Not a big fan of tiny scenarios, but another lunchtime play to help re-instruct one of my playing group members before we kick off our bi-monthly campaign in January. and t There's almost nothing to do as the American in this scenario. I'm helping my friend learn offense. I set up my paras in town, placing the 57mm in 0804 to cover the road approach. The gun is nearly useless, and even behind a hedgerow the danger to it is significant. But I suspect it may force the Germans to approach a bit slower.

The Germans roll out their backside, and have every unit on board within 5 turns. The Germans move up the road, being cautious about the gun. Reinforcements are coming so fast he doesn't mind waiting a little time for his force to approach en masse. The Germans finally realize the mortars (his) and the gun (mine) are having too little effect, and he goes in heavy against the gun. It dies fast. He turns towards the town, and opportunity fire shakes a couple of his units up as they approach for the assault. The Germans assault, and the paras give better than they get. A couple of step losses and some bad morale hits vice a step loss for the Americans. But overwhelming force eventually prevails, and the Americans are finally forced out. The Germans should have been moving the two damaged GREN units towards the exit hex after they retreated from the assault hex, but the intensity of the assault distracted the German commander, and they stayed adjacent to the town in support. My reinforcing roll went well, and I bring a fresh unit of paras into the exit hex. The retreating Americans from the town fall back to the same hex, and the Germans cannot recover, advance, and assault in the remaining time. The town is taken, but no Germans exit the board. Draw.

Another scenario that probably is better solitaire. I was pretty much bored as the Americans, and felt like I was never really doing more than playing for the draw. Or should I say waiting for the draw. Watching the paint dry as the Germans moved forward...

1 Comment
2014-02-25 07:23

I see you are trying to get an opponent up to spec on PG. Have you considered Skyping some games with the people here that Skype play. We are based in the US, England and Germany and it gives a range of opponents available. Of my 157 plays, only 3 have been solo ...... The rest, all ftf or Skype.

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