Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Dual Strike
Author TheDoctor
Method Solo
Victor Germany, Romania
Play Date 2014-02-19
Language English
Scenario EFDx101

Setup: The Soviets use their T-34 and a pair of HMG's to guard the bridge, while the SMG's and ATR's cover the town along with a couple of INF's. The Soviets setup a main defense line in the middle of the map protecting the road to the bridge and town. Another roadblock is placed at the fork in the road that led directly to the bridge and town.

Play: The Romanians and the Germans enter on the western map edge and approach the main defense line. The two Axis forces stay separated; the Romanians advance in the north, the Germans south. The Germans take some heavy losses as they move adjacent to the dug-in Soviets in the south, while the Romanians remained unscathed.

They immediately assault the Soviet positions, and the assault wear on with both sides taking equal losses, although the Romanians again take the least of the damage. Eventually, the Romanians and Germans break through the Soviet lines and push onward to the true objectives: the bridge hex and the four town hexes.

The Germans move up their engineers beside the Soviets in the town, and begin to exchange fire with the defenders. After a few turns of direct fire, the German engineers, who had not participated in the first assaults, assault the town hexes. After only a few turns, the Soviets' morale breaks and the Germans push them out of the town.

The Romanians quickly deal with the roadblock on Board 1, and swarm the bridge hex, suffering from the Soviet's opportunity fire. Nevertheless, they assault the bridge hex and over the course of the next hour, push the Soviets across the river and the Romanians ensure a Axis victory by capturing the bridge.

Result: German and Romanian Victory

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