Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
I thought "forks" were only a chess term...
Author Matt W (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Draw
Participants Hugmenot
Play Date 2014-02-09
Language English
Scenario LIBE002

I had the chance to play this scenario with Daniel (Hugmenot) and we found it to be an interesting play. One very important note is that the victory conditions provide the British player with an incentive to pursue an exit strategy that can provide for a significant victory if pursued with vigor. As the German player, I appreciated Daniel's decision to forego the simple victory and instead pursue a conquest victory, at least until it appeared that such a victory would prove elusive.

My Germans were able to hold up the British and cause significant losses on the British but were unable to effectively stop their advance on the first boards. The battle became very interesting, however, towards the end of the game as Daniel entered the final board. The Germans needed to hold and control several of the town hexes, meaning that the British needed to be kept at arm's length. If they were able to enter the towns in assault, the Germans would lose needed victory points. While I did well with this (and Daniel's leaders had some trouble keeping themselves and their troops in good order!), Danile was able to slowly put his troops in position to threaten some towns or to exit the board. Given that the number of victory points for exiting was much higher than giving up a town hex, I chose to give up the hex and then watched the victory seep away as a couple of step losses brought me below the cutoff for a minor victory.

It was, however, a very competitive play and a good afternoon. I give it a "4" as played but, as mentioned previously, a British strategy of "exit" would make this a less interesting play.

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