Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
A bit of a walk over for the Brits
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Britain
Play Date 2013-12-27
Language English
Scenario LIBE005

In my first venture into Liberation, unfortunately was less interesting than expected. The British have a larger force and the Germans have much to protect. The odd setup for the hidden British forces did seem to add value for for them. But I played it out "as is" with somewhat predictable results.

The meager German forces look to protect the large town to the south east and the low hill to the south west. In the town the bulk of the German forces setup with HMG, 75mm and mortar support, while two GREN's and the 75IG hold the western hill. The light woods and help hide these blocking units but I am afraid they will be sacrificed. In the town the 75mm takes up a position to cover as much open area to the west and center of the board, but this leaves a slot on the east side that has to be covered by just infantry.

For the British, the will advance down the west side of the board and look to overrun the south western hill and exit units off the board. That will get them a minor victory and if they can avoid losses they can win the game.

With the start the British move infantry down the western road from the northwest town. One forward observing lieutenant moves up the center hill and looks to get a spot on the south east town to try to suppress it with OBA. He eventually positions to see the outskirts of the town. This proves dangerous for the German 75mm trying to cover the ground. It holds its position in the town but is subject to heavy OBA attacks. A good German leader, 9-1-1 keeps it in good shape.

Back to the British infantry, they start to cross the open ground south of the hill German OBA starts falling around. British leaders keep the troops moving and advance to the hill. At this point the reduced German company begins to engage the two companies of Tommies. Tank support is called for but the German 75mm is still in action. The British Major calls back to the beaches for naval fire and a cruiser responses with its 8" guns. Spotted by the forward lieutenant it opens up on the town scoring a direct hit an leveling the 75mm. At this point the German AT capability is limited to the 75IG that is now engaged with the advancing INF's and WPN's and the British Shermans advance to support the assaults. The German platoons are quickly reduced and the 75IG is out of action. Only German leaders with radios can do any damage at this point. They do score one hit on the British but that is about it. With the Shermans advancing off the board the British have a minor victory. Final losses, German 2 GREN, 75mm, 75IG, wagons. British 1 INF step.

My disappointment for this is due to the feeling that the Germans really have slim chances for victory with this. I suppose a more aggressive defense may pose some trouble for the British, but it will not be for long as the British have powerful artillery in the form of naval guns that have a good chance to come to bear. Once the 75mm is eliminated the Germans have little AT defense against the Shermans which will support any assault at that point. Advancing off the board is the easiest win, leaving the Germans to wonder how to stop them.

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