Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
A Knight's Cross for the Heer 12th Infantry Forward Artillery Observer
Author Poor Yorek
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2014-01-28
Language English
Scenario NoEl009

America's 3rd Armored wins a Major Victory (by controlling 40+ meter elevation and causing more German step loses than suffered), but the Heer 12th Infantry a Minor Victory by inflicting 18 step losses on The Spearhead.

US forces mounted up; approached the Donnerberg's foothills and swung north attempting to effect a north to south cleansing of the twin heights. An uncovering German 75/41 killed a loaded M3 forcing the rest to dismount in a hurry. A combination of Heer OF and OBA (the latter of which ultimately accounted for six steps of US infantry) gave the US a bloody nose upon approach up the forested northeast slopes. The hasty scramble left the US approach in a bit of a shambles taking a few turns to reorganize. Meanwhile, the Germans moved the other ATG whilst the US took advantage of liberal smoke to block spotters on the southern hilltop.

During middle game, the US combination of M3's + armor + HMGs destroyed significant German dug-in positions. The US forces, continued to be hurt by distressingly accurate fire (including two leaders) from the OBA and 81mm whilst US counter-fire was consistently scattered. LTC Stupendous (11-1-2) was quite busy encouraging his troops in the face of the battering: a future bird colonel soon-to-be.

The US was in such a state with its INF and D/DD that it risked a three-tank assault vs. a GREN + 75/41 (which simply would not go away) on the southern peak (0707). This assault was quite effective. The counter-assault, lead by Heer Major 10-1-1 (posthumous award of the Oakleaves), with an HMG + GREN firing (both) panzerfausts destroyed three steps of US armor in 15 minutes whilst themselves being decimated. US reinforcing M3's and HMG cleared the assault. The remainder of the game was a moping up operation to repel the last Heer GREN step and the mortars from the high ground, and destroy a strongpoint.

At game end the US had remaining: 4xINF(reduced) 1xINF 2xHMG 5xM3 2xM4/76 1xM4 + 1xM4(reduced) 1xM18(reduced) and the M7 + M12 + 81mm

for a total of 18 countable step losses; a savaged mechanized infantry contingent; and a lot of burning armor in hex 0707 atop the Donnerberg.

The Germans had lost a battalion of determined defenders; a brave Major in command; a key mountain position; but gained a new "Knight" in the regiment's forward artillery observer.

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