Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
These Communists are all Cowards
Author TheDoctor
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2014-01-22
Language English
Scenario IrCu004

Setup: The American 14th Armored Cavalry Division retreated quickly to the very western edge of the board as a reserve, while the American 1 Infantry Division, the Big Red One, moved eastward to setup six separate groups. Two blocked the west-west roads and two setup on either side of each road, all dug-in at the base of the hills on Boards 10 and 14. The American AT guns setup three hexes back from the main line.

Play: The main Soviet force moved through the limiting terrain, entering from the east edge, hoping for their reinforcements, a dozen SMG's, T-44's and a couple of JS-3's, before launching their main attack. Lucky for the Soviets, the reinforcements arrive on the first available turn, and the entire force moves into limiting terrain just outside the American's LOS.

On turn 10, the Soviets begin their attack. They send all of their SMG's and T-34/85's to split the forces in two and and cut off any American reinforcements from the north. Meanwhile the 22 T-44's swarm the American line at the base of the 60 meter hills on Board 14, taking out two M-36's and several of the AT guns, after bypassing the American infantry. The next turn the Guards infantry rush after the T-44's, supported by JS-3's in the woods behind him. The American OF misses completely, and the Soviets approach the main road block unmolested.

However, on the next turn, the Americans gain initiative by three and destroy several steps of T-44's, and then activate their southern road block and kill six steps of Soviet infantry, and break up the Soviet attack. This does not stop them, and they assault next anyway, and the first round of assaults go well for the Soviets. In the middle of the map, the SMG's move north to delay the Americans in the north. The Americans respond by shooting up more of the Soviet T-44's and moving their northernmost units to counterattack, with some ENG's guarding the town.

After another couple of turns of assaults, the Soviets take a step back in the South while engaging the Americans arriving from the north. After two more turns of a lull in the battle, both sides recovering morale, and the Soviets mount for another attack. So far the Soviets have taken serious losses, and very few T-44's remain, most chewed up in AFV vs. infantry assaults. The Soviets attempt once again to take the road through the heights in the south to force a draw, but are repulsed again, only managing to engage in one assault.

Finally, the six assaults in the middle of the map wrap up with the Soviets winning two and the Americans four, but the leftover American units quickly chase away the last of the RKKA reinforcements, and with only four turns left, the American choose not to pursue the mostly demoralized Soviet force.

Result: American Major Victory. The Step Loss Count stands at 44-132, with the Americans having a 88 step lead.

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