Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Up the Slopes
Author TheDoctor
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2014-01-20
Language English
Scenario IrCu003

Setup: The Americans setup two main defenses in two layers, splitting their forces into four equal parts. Two were setup, dug-in along the east-west roads at the base of the hills on Boards 9 and 11. The other two fourths were setup, dug-in at the heights of the hills, in the town and woods on the same two Boards. They wait for the Soviet attack.

Play: The Soviets charged all of their INF and T-44's up the roads towards the Americans, while the SMG's ride the T-34/85's in between the Americans in order to drive a wedge between the split American forces. After some initial losses on the Soviet's part due to OF from the American's M36's, Soviet counter fire pushes the tank destroyers back. Then the Soviets infantry forward adjacent to the America's line of dug-in positions, while the tanks cover them with AT and DF.

After an hour of assaults, and more armor losses for the Soviets, the first American line is breached and wiped out, while the tank-riders split up and move into position in the woods just outside the two remaining American lines. There is a lull in the battle while the Soviet infantry recover morale, while the Soviet and American armor duel. The rolls go better for the Soviets this time, and after another hour, the American armor is non-existent.

Thus the Soviets attack up the slopes to the Americans' second, main defensive line. After the Americans miss horribly in their OF, and the Soviets make most of their morale checks, the Soviets move up their remaining armor to join the infantry, while the men fire into the town and woods. In conjunction with the main Soviet attack, the flanking forces attack at the same time. The next turn the Soviets gain initiative by two and quickly assault the American positions. The Americans put up a fierce resistance against the Soviets, but after almost two hours of fighting for the heights, they retreat, but are cut off by the Soviet flanking forces and annihilated.

Result: Major Soviet Victory. The Soviets control both of the east-west roads.

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