Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Underperfroming History
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2014-01-16
Language English
Scenario KurS020

The historical note on this scenario indicates that the Germans were able to so completely destroy the Soviet attack that they were able to push into Nepkhaevo by the end of the time period. I was not able to accomplish that. On the other hand I was able to slaughter the attack and maintain control of some hill hexes on the initial entry board despite the large force wielded by the Soviets.

This is an interesting scenario for the Soviets as they must consider where to focus their strength and which objectives to pursue. Lots of choices to make and not a lot of time to accomplish them. I chose to focus on the hill and town control and to push forward a force to control the road on Board 36. When the attack on the hills and towns broke down there simply wasn't a way for the Soviets to win. A counterattack through the fields caught the Soviet infantry in flank and the fight was essentially over.

This is a trend within the Kursk - South Flank scenarios where victory is tied to the number of objectives attained. The objectives typically force the player to consider which ones should be secured early in the play, which to nail down after the first rush and which are true stretch goals. I find these to be very engaging to play and to have significant replay attraction.

I rated this one a "4" and the play could have gone either way as the Germans did have tremendous luck with their antitank fire which stalled out the Soviet attacks, on the other hand, the Soviets always had enough force left in Nepkhaevo that a German counterattack would have faltered and run the risk of excessive losses. This was definitely a fun play.

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