Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Crossing the River
Author driddle01
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2010-06-26
Language English
Scenario FaoF030

A short scenario in which victory includes both destruction of units and control of city hexes. The French set up with a strong force defending the city north of the river, a force defending the western city and a mobile reserve force (motorcycles). The Germans attack with 4 HMG's, 8 infantry, and the armored car in the center. An INF force defends the east flank, and 2 HMG's with 4 INF come in the western edge tokeep the French honest.

The main German thrust is against the city north of the river. The force closes to 1 hex range due to the forest and begins to trade fire with the French force there. The eastern force attempts to cross the river, but is pinned by artillery fire. The western force sets up across the river and trades fire with the French in the western town.

The two sides trade fire for many turns with not too many casulties. Finally, the German center force obtains a 2x result against the French which serves to break the line. The French retreat across the river and set up a secondary line of defense between the towns south of the river. The Germans cross losing both Bufla steps and an armored car. Time runs out as the Germans control all town hexes North of the river and one south. The French control all the remainder of the town hexes; however, the Germans had destroyed many more French units, so the game still ends in a German vistory.

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