Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Trapped in the crossfire
Author Brett Nicholson
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2014-01-09
Language English
Scenario EFDx010

This battle was very short and decisive, ending in just 9 of a possible 22 turns with no Soviet tanks left on the map and with the Germans taking zero step losses.

Everything seemed to depend on the reliabilty of the T-34As and they failed miserably. The Germans benefited from the huge initiative advantage and were able to get those T-34s in a crossfire outside the town between two platoons of PzIIIGs and two PzIIIHs. The Soviets did get a brief respite as after the crossfire was set-up the Germans only got one activation before the Soviets the following turn. At 10:00/turn 5, the PzIIIHs fired first, missing with all four shots and then a crucial decision had to be made: either fire at the PzIIIGs before they could use their crossfire or run. Well the T-34s did fire back, only needing to roll 8s and both shots missed. The panzers easily succeed in eliminating one step of the T-34s and disrupting another. From that point on the battle was pretty much over as now the those Soviet tanks were trapped in the crossfire. The next turn the Germans are able to conduct 4 activations before the Soviets and 2 more steps of T-34s are eliminated with just one demoralized step left.

The other Soviet tanks, the KV-1s and BT-7s held out a little longer. A brief firefight took place but once again the Soviets keep firing blanks back at the PzIVEs which had taken up positions in the town. While those tanks were exchanging fire German foot units were able to sneak up on the KV-1 and prepare for an assault. The remaining BT-7 units were all reduced with only one of those in good order so not much could be done to assist the soon to be overrun KV-1s. The assaults are resolved quickly and the only damage the Germans took was one HMG unit becoming disrupted before the tanks were eliminated. At 11:00/turn 9, all that remained of the Soviets was one demoralized step of BT-7s that had fled to the northeast corner of the map, boxed in. PzIIIGs that had relocated into the town fire at a long range and easily eliminate the last, doomed Soviet tank.

This was an easy win for Germany, a total rollover but I probably could of done a lot better with the Soviets if I would of been a little more patient. I knew that eliminating 4 German tank steps was going to be tough with Soviet tanks not being efficient and having only a 2 initiative up against a German 5. I should of been a lot more cautious so as not to have had the T-34s ending up in a crossfire situation in the first place. Then, I just couldn't allow T-34s to run away from battling the PzIIIGs with the heavy AT firepower advantage of 5 against an armor rating of 3. I'm very relieved that this was a solo play as it would of been utterly embarrassing playing the Soviets against an opponent the way I did. So I can't give this a low rating, it was fun blowing stuff up; Soviet stuff, and a lot of it. I think this has a great replay value and is a good training scenario on how to use and NOT use tanks.

2014-01-10 07:56

Brett, I have never played this one but I am happy to take the Soviet's if you fnacy a replay. Not that I may do any better than you but I do have a genuine Rusian tank helmet.

2014-01-10 08:33

Sure, we can play this one after we finish Borisov. I'm willing to bet you will have much better luck with the Soviets and at least get a draw out it. Don't forget to wear your tank helmet!

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