Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Ride to Mediocrity
Author ermj1986
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2008-08-12
Language English
Scenario EFDx004

This scenario takes place on June 22 1941. German cavalry meets Soviet infantry. The goals for the German commander are to exit 6 units off the east map edge and clear the main road of Soviet units. The Soviet must prevent this and inflict 8 step losses on the Germans to win.

Turn 1 0315 Hours

The Germans begin advancing along the road and across the river via the bridge. Under the cover of darkness, no Soviet unit are able to see them and the German cavalry [3-2] move along the road toward the town. The Soviet forces, elements fo the 75th Rifle Regiment are distributed in the town as well as in the forest groves to the east, lying in wait. The town is defended by three infantry platoons [4-2], a heavy machinegun platoon [7-4] and an 82mm mortar unit [8-10], led by a Major [9-0-0], who is high morale but a poor overall leader. The Soviet units remain idle.

Turn 2 0330 Hours

It is still quite dark, but the Germans continue to advance toward the town. The Soviets have the initiative but cannot see the Germans and decide to await their arrival. The German units move forward toward the town. On the left flank a Lieutenant [9-0-0] brings three cavalry platoons [3-2] while another Lieutenant [9-1-0] holds the right flank and the main road with three platoons. This Lieutenant has a good combat rating [reflecting his skill and experience].

The German Lt. Colonel [9-1-0] brings up a HMG [heavy Machinegun] platoons which is loaded aboard wagons on the main road and the Captain [9-0-1] brings up the rear with HMG’s and 81mm mortar units, also aboard wagons. The Captain has a good morale factor which demonstrates his ability to inspire his men. The Soviet commander remains pat, while he waits for the Germans to expose themselves. [Opportunity fire has a modifier and the cavalry have a negative modifier when targeted.]

Turn 3 0345 Hours

The Soviets retain initiative but decide to pass. The German commander sends the Lieutenant forward to scout the town with a cavalry platoon. The Lieutenant moves into the northern section of the town, which is unoccupied. The Soviets issue opportunity fire from an infantry platoon [4-2] and a HMG [7-4]. The Soviet’s gain a number of columns shifts. The German cavalry platoon suffers disruption as it is sprayed with Soviet direct fire. Nonetheless, the Lieutenant is in position to spot for the off-board artillery. The Soviet Major in the eastern part of the town orders the 82mm mortars to fire. The indirect fire misses as the German units are in the town and it is a night turn.

The German Lieutenant calls in fire from the off-board artillery. [2X 16 points]. The Soviet HMG is hit and becomes demoralized. Friendly fire hits the German units in the town as well, but no harm is down. The Soviet HMG attempts recovery, an with the help of the two modifier, improves to disrupted. Soviet 82mm mortars barrage the Germans in the northern section of town but this fails to hit the enemy.

Turn 4 0400 Hours

It is still dark and there is limited visibility. The Germans take the initiative and have first activation. The German Lieutenant in the town leads three platoons to assault the western section which is held by a Soviet infantry platoons and a disrupted HMG. Both sides come to a stand off during the assault.

The Soviet Major, who is in command in the town, orders the mortars to fire at the cavalry platoon in the northern section of town. The German cavalry passes its morale check unharmed.

The German off-board artillery fires at the Soviet units in the eastern section of town. All of the Soviet units there check morale and are okay. [Captain, infantry and 82mm]. Friendly fire drifts into both of the other parts of town but this fails to cause any harm to the German troops.

The other German Lieutenant [9-1-0] who is taking the right flank, orders his three platoons to move around the southern side of the town. The leader and one of the cavalry platoons is hit by opportunity fire from Soviet infantry in the southern part of town, and they suffer disruption. A second cavalry platoon is hit by opportunity fire and becomes demoralized. The third platoon moves in freely.

The German Lieutenant [9-1-2] with the most skill, brings three platoons around to the north side of the town and enters unopposed. The Soviet units have all fired and have no opportunity fire.

Turn 5 0415 Hours

It is still not possible to see more than a one hex range. The Soviet 82mm’s and the infantry in the eastern part of town resume their efforts to stall the German attackers with close ranged fire, but this is ineffective. A number of units on both sides attempt to rally.

The German Lieutenant resumes his assault bringing a third cavalry platoon in to the mix. This results in heavy casualties to the Soviet infantry platoon which takes a step loss. The infantry platoon also becomes demoralized. The HMG’s also become demoralized. The German cavalry have negligible casualties. The Soviet infantry platoon quickly recovers morale [disrupted] but the heavy machinegun unit remains demoralized and pulls back toward the east. It is seen by the Germans in the north part of town and they issue opportunity fire upon them. The HMG fails its morale check and loses one step [3-4].

The German Lieutenant [9-1-2] in the north part of town begins an assault with three cavalry platoons on the Soviet Captain in the center of town. Both sides remain locked in a standoff. The German Lieutenant calls in off-board artillery [32 points] to strike the Soviet infantry in the southern section of town. The infantry maintains good order through the artillery bombardment.

Turn 6 0430 Hours

The Germans have the initiative with three activations. The Lieutenant in the western part of town continues with his assault. Three cavalry platoons are attacking a Soviet infantry platoon which has taken heavy casualties and suffered disruption. Both sides remain locked in combat.

Three cavalry platoons resume their assault in the center of town. The Axis forces are led by a Lieutenant [9-1-2] with above average skills. The Soviet position is held by an infantry platoon, and 82mm mortar unit and a demoralized HMG [3-4] which has already taken heavy casualties. A Soviet Major [10-0-0] is on hand but is rather inexperienced. The Soviet infantry takes heavy casualties and but remains in good order. The mortars suffer disruption and the HMG is eliminated. The German Lieutenant and one of his cavalry platoons become demoralized, while the second cavalry platoon suffers disruption. The third cavalry remains in good order. The Soviet 82mm mortar unit in the center of town recovers from its disruption.

Turn 7 0445 Hours

The Soviet forces wrestle the initiative from the Axis and start with two activations. The infantry in the southern part of the town uses direct fire against the cavalry to the south of the town. [The German Lieutenant 9-1-0 is with the cavalry platoon]. This has no effect. The Soviet commander decides to pass and remain on the defensive.

The German Lieutenant in the center of town attempts to recover from demoralization. The demoralized cavalry platoon also recovers morale and the disrupted platoon returns to good order. The German cavalry to the south of the town use direct fire on the Soviet infantry in the southern part of town to no effect.

In the western part of town, the German Lieutenant resumes his assault against the Soviet infantry. The Soviet unit has already taken heavy losses and is reduced [2-2] and then becomes demoralized. The German commander holds back on the artillery fire to avoid friendly fire casualties.

Turn 8 0500

The Germans regain the initiative and have the first two activations. The Lieutenant in the western section of town continues the assault against the demoralized Soviet infantry. [2-2]. The Soviet infantry is completely eliminated. This brings the total Soviet steps lost to 5. The Soviet infantry in the southern section of town fire at the German cavalry to the south, which are out in the open. This has no impact. The German Lieutenant counters by assaulting the infantry platoon with three cavalry platoons. This leader has a positive combat rating [9-1-0]. In the ensuing combat, the Soviet infantry takes heavy casualties and loses a step. The Germans take no losses and maintain good order. The Soviet infantry also suffers disruption.

The Soviet Major calls for the 82mm mortars to the east to bombard the German assault in the center of town, although he and his units are also there. This has virtually no effect and neither side suffers any losses. One of the German cavalry platoons in the center of town recovers to good order while the other two resume their assault on the Soviet infantry and mortar unit. The Soviet infantry [2-2] becomes demoralized. The German cavalry incurs no damage in the assault.

Turn 9 0515

The German forces win initiative with first activation. The visibility is still only one hex and most of the action will involve assault combat in the town. The Soviet forces are not holding up and have lost six steps so far. The assault in the center of town continues, with three German cavalry platoons [3-2] against a Soviet mortar unit and a demoralized infantry platoon [2-2]. The Soviet forces take more casualties and the 82mm mortar is eliminated. The Soviet Major [9-0-0] suffers disruption and the demoralized infantry platoon is destroyed. The Soviet Major is lost [wounded or killed]. This lowers the Soviet by “one” as the leader is lost. Additionally, the eighth step is lost and this lowers the initiative by another “one” to (-1).

In the southern sector of town, the German Lieutenant [9-1-0] leads three cavalry platoons in an assault against the lone infantry platoon [2-2 disrupted]. The Soviet infantry is hit but passes its morale check.

Turn 10 0530###

The Soviets seize the initiative with first activation. The infantry platoon under attack in the town successfully attempts to recover from disruption, and returns to good order. The Germans resume their assault. Both sides force a morale check. The Soviet infantry passes and the German Lieutenant and his three cavalry platoons also pass.

Two German cavalry companies advance toward the east, by-passing the town. The other company remains in the town to clear the remaining infantry. Meanwhile the mortars and HMG’s are moved forward under the cover of darkness.

Turn 11 0545

The Germans regain the initiative and have the first two activations. The assault is resumed in the town. The soviets have an under strength infantry platoon holding out. It is hit but stubbornly maintains good order. The German cavalry remain engaged. The German wagons move toward the southeast and prepare to set up the guns in the field to the west of the main road. Otherwise there is not much action.

Turn 12 0600

The Germans maintain the initiative with two activations. The assault in the town continues. Another stalemate there. The Soviet infantry in the woods to the east fire on the German units which are now becoming visible, but inflicts very little damage.

Turn 13 0615###

The Soviets have first activation. The infantry in the eastern woods take another shot at the cavalry but the direct fire fails to hit. The German guns begin to set up in their positions. The Soviet HMG’s in the woods manage to hit one of the cavalry platoons in the center. Although the Lieutenant is okay, the cavalry becomes demoralized. Back in the town, the German cavalry company finally finishes off the Soviet infantry platoon. [The Soviets have lost 9 steps and a leader].

Soviet 82mm mortars begin to fire on the demoralized cavalry platoon in the center but fail to hit the target. The German Lieutenant calls in the off-board artillery to fire on the infantry in the eastern woods. This triggers a morale check, but the Soviet unit remains in good order.

Turn 14 0630

The German commander has initiative with one activation. The demoralized cavalry attempts recovery. This is successful and the morale improves to disruption. The Soviet infantry in the woods fires at the cavalry again, but with no effect. The German commander calls in off-board artillery [32 points] which hit the Soviet infantry in the woods, but they pass are able to pass their morale check. Soviet HMG’s are also ineffective. The German 75mm gun battery is now set up in the field. It fires on the Soviet infantry in the western section of the woods and manages to cause a disruption. The Soviet infantry attempts recovery right away and returns to good order. The German Lt. Colonel calls in the 81mm mortars to return fire on the Soviet HMG platoon but this has no effect. The HMG on the western end of the field re-deploys on the eastern edge. Meanwhile, the German cavalry company in the town rides forward to the edge of the woods, with their Lieutenant [9-1-0].

Turn 15 0645

The Germans retain the initiative with three activations. Off-board artillery [32 points] is called to barrage the Soviet infantry that is deployed in the western section of the woods. The barrage is quite effective and the infantry takes heavy casualties [1 step loss]. As a result, the Soviet platoon suffers disruption. Then the German Lieutenant [9-1-0] assaults the infantry with three cavalry platoons. The Soviet infantry [2-2 disrupted] becomes demoralized with no adverse effects to the German cavalry. The German 81mm mortars [16 points] fire at the Soviet HMG in the woods adjacent to the assault, but this is completely ineffective.

The Soviet infantry [2-2 demoralized] attempts to recover its morale but fails. It flees and is subject to enemy fire. It is forced to make another morale check, but passes. The German 75mm and the HMG’s fire at the Soviet infantry in the woods to the south of the position that has been assaulted. This is ineffective. The Soviet HMG’s open fire on the German cavalry that had assaulted. Soviet 82mm mortars fire on the center of the German line and manage to disrupt some of the cavalry. One of the German Cavalry companies outflanks the wooded area to the north and prepares to assault the Soviet infantry in the north section of the woods.

Turn 16 0700

The Germans retain initiative with three activations. The off-board artillery [32 points] bombards the Soviet infantry in the north section of the woods. This has no effect. At the western edge of the woods, the German Lieutenant [9-1-0] and three cavalry platoons assault the Soviet 82mm mortar unit and the demoralized infantry [2-2]. A Soviet lieutenant is also on hand. Both sides remain poised for action, but none suffer any losses. On the northern edge of the woods, a German Lieutenant [9-1-2] assaults the Soviet infantry [4-2]. The Soviet infantry becomes demoralized. The German cavalry suffer no harm. The Soviet infantry unit immediately recovers morale to a disrupted state.

The German 81mm mortars target the Soviet HMG platoon on the western edge of the woods. The barrage hits the HMG’s and they pass their morale check. In the central assault hex, the Soviet infantry [2-2 demoralized] attempts recovery but fails. Instead it flees deeper into the woods. The rest of the direct fire has no effect for either side. Both of the disrupted cavalry recover to good morale.

Turn 17 0715

The Germans maintain the initiative with three activations. The German Lieutenant calls in off-board artillery to barrage the Soviet HMG platoon [7-4]. This is very successful and causes numerous casualties [HMG loses one step]. The Soviet HMG becomes demoralized.

The German assault on the center continues. The Soviets defend with only an 82mm mortar unit and the Lieutenant. The Soviet leader is fine but the mortar unit becomes demoralized. On the northern flank, the German Lieutenant [9-1-2] assaults the Soviet infantry [4-2 disrupted]. Both sides remain locked in battle.

The German 81mm mortars [16 points] fire at the Soviet HMG’s again. The Soviet unit suffers another demoralization and is subsequently eliminated. The Soviet mortars to the north manage to rally to a disrupted state.

Turn 18 0730

The Germans have first activation. The assault in the northern sector of the woods continues. The German cavalry pummels the Soviet infantry platoon [4-2 disrupted] and it becomes demoralized. Meanwhile, the 82mm mortars [8-10 disrupted] recovery to good order jus to be assaulted again by the German cavalry. Both sides remain locked in battle. The Soviet infantry platoon [2-2 demoralized] in the center of the woods manages to recover to a disrupted state.

Two Soviet infantry platoons begin to dig in along the main road to the east. German off-board artillery [32 points] fires a barrage against the Soviet Lieutenant and his infantry platoon deployed on the western part of the woods. The Lieutenant [8-0-0] suffers disruption but his platoon remains in good order.

The German Lieutenant on the center, advances with his cavalry [3 platoons] and assaults the Soviet Lieutenant [disrupted] and his infantry platoons. As a result, the Soviet Lieutenant becomes demoralized and the infantry suffers disruption. Two of the German cavalry also become demoralized. The German 75mm and HMG’s fire on the Soviet infantry on the southern edge of the woods. The Soviet Lieutenant [6-0-] is okay, but the infantry platoon becomes demoralized.

Turn 19 0745

The Axis has the initiative with two activations. In the northern section of the woods, the German Lieutenant [9-1-2] orders his three cavalry platoons to assault the demoralized Soviet infantry platoon. The Soviet infantry [4-2 demoralized] is eliminated [two steps].

In the center of the woods, the German cavalry [demoralized] attempts to recover. Both recover to a disrupted state. The third assaults the Soviet infantry. Both sides must check morale and both pass. In the southern section of the woods the demoralized Soviet infantry recovers to disrupted morale.

The German Lieutenant [9-1-0] in the center of attack continues his assault against the Soviet mortars. The mortars make a morale check and remain in good order. The Axis off-board artillery [32 points] returns fire with no effect. Like wise, the German 81mm mortars [16 points] fire on the Soviet infantry with no effect. The two Soviet infantry platoons on the main road to the east complete digging in. The rest of the German direct fire fails to inflict any damage on the defenders.

Turn 20 0800

The Germans retain the initiative with two activations. The German Lieutenant [9-1-2] in the northern position assaults the Soviet infantry [2-2 disrupted] in the center of the woods. This time the infantry platoon is wiped out. The Soviets have lost a total of 15 steps and a leader. The German off-board artillery fires at the Soviet infantry in the southern woods. This manages to demoralize the Soviet Lieutenant [6-0-0], but the infantry remains disrupted. The Lieutenant subsequently fails to recover and flees to the east, leaving his platoon behind.

In the western sector of the woods, the German cavalry, led by a Lieutenant [9-1-0] continue to assault the Soviet mortar team. Again there is no effect. Just to the south of this position, another cavalry company continues its assault on the Soviet infantry. The Soviet leader [Lieutenant 8-0-0] becomes demoralized while the infantry suffers disruption.

Both the Soviet Lieutenant [8-0-0]and the infantry [4-2 disrupted] recover morale in the assault hex in the center of the lines. The German mortars have no effect, The two German HMG platoons advance to the western edge of the main road.

Turn 21 0815

The German forces have the initiative with two activations. On the center of the attack, the German Lieutenant continues his assault with his cavalry company. The Soviet infantry [4-2 disrupted] incurs heavy casualties. The infantry becomes demoralized. The attackers have no losses. The off-board artillery bombards the Soviet infantry in the southern edge of the woods. The Soviet infantry becomes demoralized. These quickly recover to disruption. The German 81mm mortars barrage them and the infantry unit becomes demoralized again.

The Soviet infantry [2-2 demoralized] in the western section of the woods recovers to disruption. The Lieutenant remains demoralized however. The German assault in the northwestern section of the woods has no effect.

Turn 22 0830

The Axis has initiative with four activations. The German commander calls for off-board artillery [32 points] to hit the demoralized Soviet infantry [4-2 demoralized] on the southern edge of the woods. This results in a step loss and a morale check. A second demoralization eliminates the unit. The Soviets have now taken 17 step losses and a leader loss. The Soviets take another initiative loss.

The German Lieutenant [9-1-2] advances with his cavalry company and comes across the Soviet Lieutenant [6-0-0 demoralized.] The Lieutenant manages to elude capture and hides in the woods a bit to the east. The German cavalry continues the assault against the mortars in the northern section of the woods. There are still no results. Two German cavalry platoons in the center recover to good order.

The Soviet Lieutenant [8-0-0 demoralized] in the center recovers to disrupted. Both 81mm mortars load onto wagons to move forward. Additionally, the 75mm guns are limbered and hooked to wagons to advance. The German HMG’s [2X 9-5 platoons] move to the road and then east toward the Soviet infantry that is dug in along the road. The Lt. Colonel and a Captain are with the two HMG units.

Turn 23 0845

The Axis has initiative with two activations. The cavalry in the center resumes its assault on the Soviet infantry. The German attackers are forced to make a morale check and one of the cavalry platoons suffers disruption. The Soviet infantry are untouched.

The German Lieutenant [9-1-2] and his cavalry advances into the woods where the Soviet Lieutenant [6-0-0 disrupted] is hiding. This time the Soviet leader surrenders. [This drops the Soviet initiative to –3].

The Soviet Lieutenant on the western edge of the woods recovers to good order, while his infantry platoon remains in a disrupted state. The German cavalry in the northwestern part of the woods continues with its assault against the Soviet mortars. The Soviet Lieutenant becomes demoralized while the mortar unit suffers disruption. Both attempt to recover but fail and the Lieutenant flees to the east.

The German off-board artillery fires at the westernmost dug in position along the main road. This results in heavy casualties to the Soviet infantry platoon. The Soviet infantry also suffers disruption. The German Lt. Colonel and Captain advance along the main road with the two HMG platoons and a group of wagons. The 81mm mortars and the 75mm guns continue to advance toward the east.

Turn 24 0900

The Germans have initiative with four activations. The off-board artillery strikes again at the Soviet infantry dug in along the road. This time the infantry passes their morale check. The Lt. Colonel orders the two HMG platoons to issue direct fire into the position. The Soviet infantry becomes demoralized as a result of the HMG’s.

The German Lieutenant [9-1-2] leads his cavalry into an assault against the position. The Soviet position falls as the last of the infantry platoon is eliminated. One of the cavalry platoons suffers disruption.

The German assault in the northern woods fails to dislodge the Soviet mortars again. The Soviets return fire from the woods just to the south of the last dug in position on the main road, but this fails to deter the cavalry. The German Assault in the center [west edge of the woods] stalls again. The 81mm mortars unload and deploy.

The German cavalry receive direct fire from the Soviet infantry that is dug in along the main road. This triggers a morale check. The Lieutenant [9-1-2] and one cavalry platoon suffer disruption, and one cavalry platoon becomes demoralized. Meanwhile, the 75mm guns move into position along the main road.

Turn 25 0915

The Axis has initiative with four activations. The German Lieutenant [9-1-2 disrupted] recovers his morale as does his cavalry. The good order cavalry pulls back to the west [to alleviate the negative modifier for three stacking].

The German Lieutenant calls in off-board artillery [32 factors] to hit the Soviet dug in position. The Soviet infantry passes the morale check. The assault in the northern section of the woods leaves the Soviet 82mm unit demoralized. Just to the south another assault continues and this leaves the Soviet Lieutenant [9-0-0] and his infantry platoon [2-2 disrupted] demoralized.

The Soviet infantry in the woods just south of their dug in positions fires at the German cavalry to the west. The officer passes his morale check, but one of the cavalry platoons suffers disruption. The German Lieutenant counters by calling for the 81mm’s to fire on the Soviet infantry in the woods, south of the main road. As a result, the infantry platoon suffers disruption.

The Soviet 82mm mortars recover from their demoralization. Just to their south, the Soviet Lieutenant flees along with the infantry. Since there is no rearguard, the Germans get a “free shot’ and eliminate the fleeing infantry. The Soviets have now lost 21 steps and two leaders. The Soviet Lieutenant [8-0-0 demoralized] that is hiding in the middle of the woods, recovers his morale [disrupted].

Turn 26 0930

The Germans have the initiative with four activations. The German cavalry that has advanced to the east pulls back from the dug in infantry, while two HMG platoons advance into better positions to hit the Soviet position. This triggers opportunity fire which proves ineffective.

In the northwestern part of the woods, the assault between the German cavalry and the Soviet mortars continues to bog down with no results. The Soviet infantry, flanking the dug in positions, recovers its morale, while the German off-board artillery fires on the infantry on the main road. This has no effect. The 81mm mortars also issue fire with no effect.

Turn 27 0945

The German forces have the initiative with three activations. The off-board artillery fires away at the Soviet infantry which is dug in along the main road. This is rather effective and the infantry absorbs heavy casualties and becomes demoralized. The 82mm mortars fire on the infantry in the woods just to the south of the dug in position. The infantry passes the morale check. The heavy machineguns open fire on the dug in position but have no effect.

The Soviet infantry on the main road [2-2 demoralized dug in] manage to recover their morale. [disrupted]. The cavalry in the northwestern woods leave on platoons behind as the rest outflank the woods to the north. Back on the main road, the Soviet infantry hiding in the wooded area south of the road manages to hit the cavalry with direct fire. One of the cavalry platoons becomes demoralized.

Turn 28 1000

The German forces have initiative with two activations. The German HMG’s open fire on the dug in positions with no effect. This is followed by off-board artillery [32 points] which also has no effect. Meanwhile, the dug in infantry [2-2 disrupted] attempts recovery but fails. The Germans return fire with the 81mm’s but fail to damage the Soviet position.

The German Lieutenant continues to advance with his cavalry toward the northeast, outflanking the woods. A German cavalry platoon near the main road attempts to outflank the Soviet position on the main road. The Soviet infantry to the south employs opportunity fire to no effect.

Turn 29 1015

The Axis has the initiative with three activations. The off-board artillery misses the target again. The 81mm mortars fire on the Soviet infantry in the woods south of the main road, but these pass their morale check. The German HMG’s fire on the dug in units [2-2 disrupted] and demoralized the infantry. The demoralized infantry fail in their attempt to rally. Then the German Lieutenant [9-1-2] and two cavalry platoons assault the position. The Soviet position is taken as the remnant of the infantry platoon is eliminated.

The Soviet infantry in the woods on the south flank use direct fire on the victorious cavalry. As a result, the Lieutenant and one platoon suffers disruption while the other platoon becomes demoralized.

In the northern sector, two cavalry platoons and a Lieutenant move off-map to the east, while their third platoon moves to the edge. Another Lieutenant and his cavalry company advance to the map edge.

Turn 30 1030

At this point in the battle, the Soviets have lost 23 steps and two leaders. The Germans have exited two of the six units required and the road is clear, with one Soviet infantry platoon deployed in the woods south of the road.

The Germans win the initiative with three activations. The first is used to rally the cavalry that was blasted by the Soviet infantry platoon. The Lieutenant and both cavalry platoons recover. The off-board artillery [32 points] is called in to fire at the last Soviet infantry platoon. The Soviet infantry passes the morale check. The 81mm mortars also target the Soviet infantry but miss entirely. The Soviet infantry returns direct fire at the German cavalry and the Lieutenant, but these all pass their morale check.

The German HMG’s put some direct fire on the Soviet infantry in the woods but this is ineffective. Four cavalry platoons and a lieutenant exit the east map edge. This fulfills the German VP requirement of exiting at least six units.

The Germans met the Victory Conditions by exiting six units, and removing all Soviet units from the road, while losing less than eight steps.

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