Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Welcome to Fontana Alba: A great place to die
Author Brett Nicholson
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2013-11-30
Language English
Scenario EFDx003

One of the interesting aspects of this scenario is that the attacking force actually deploys first, then the defenders. I chose to mass the Romanians directly across the river from the town with as many units on the hill and others behind the small forest hex but the flanks were still spottable for mortar fire. Since the river was minor I chose to attempt to cross directly instead of making for the bridge. The Soviets place all INF in the town with the two leaders and HMGS and support units dug-in on the outskirts. Nothing original or innovative about the Soviet deployment but was not going to leave any town hex without at least two units defending it and would hope that reinforcements would arrive early enough to relieve any town hexes in danger of being secured by the Romanian force.

The Romanians were able to get most units across the river with no serious setbacks though one leader was demoralized along with the 50mm horse-drawn mortar unit which wasn't much a problem as the 50mm was all but useless anyway with a 5 indirect fire rating. Two calvary charges were successful in getting into southern town hexes without any effects from opportunity fire but despite the +1, first turn assault advantage the best result was causing the demoralization of Soviet INF units in one hex but no step losses intially. The next turn both of those units were able to recover to disrupted status rather than flee. From that point on it was all downhill for the Calarasi. Soon a Romanian Capitan would be eliminated balancing the initiative levels giving each side a 50/50 chance of activating first. Without any real shock and awe the first round of town assaults those units just became bogged down and were never able to gain momentum. Though the two southern town hexes would remain occupied from intial assaults they would remain in Soviet control the duration of the battle.

Things may have eventually swayed to Romanian favor but curiously enough the Soviet reinforcements arrived right on time at 09:00/turn 13. With that stroke of luck and the deadly Soviet OBA (3x10) also being available the remainder of the battle became a systematic slaughter of Romanian men and horses. By 12:30/turn 27 not one Romanian leader or unit was left on the map; all eliminated or captured apart from the Romanian Maior who chose to desert. There was just no way for Romanian units that became trapped in Fontana Alba to keep any advantage since all of their comrades that could of reinforced their two assaults were all cornered and slaughtered by the expedient Soviet reinforcements. The town was totally surrounded and once any Romanian unit became demoralized and had to flee an assault hex it was eliminated with no place to go.

I like this scenario and it could of turned out a lot better if the initial Romanian calvary charges had been more effective and of course if the Soviet reinforcements had arrived much later. It was great fun but because of play balance, perhaps "slightly" in favor of the Soviets it gets a high '3' from me rather than a '4'. That being said I would love to revisit this one sometime in a shared play, taking either side.

2013-11-30 22:12

I like this one when we played it too. Our battle seems to have been a little more nail-biting than yours. The Soviet reinforcements arriving barely in time and deploying under fire. The Russians won in ours too. Glad you liked it too.

2013-12-01 06:09

It was nailbiting until those reinforcments arrived on turn 13. Once that happened two leaders and two calvary were pushed across the river from demoralization and then polished off with OBA before they could think about rallying and getting back across while the 50mm tried to escape to the woods in the southeast only to suffer the same fate. Soon it was just a matter of time before the remaining Romanian units occupying two of the town hexes were slowly whittled down. With the town totally encircled it seemed highly doubtful that those units would make it 4 more turns to force a draw so I was kind of relieved that it ended on turn 27. Definitely worth a replay!

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