Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
A not so narrow escape
Author Brett Nicholson (Germany)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Britain
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2013-11-13
Language English
Scenario AfKo019

A nice, though somewhat tense scenario played out in just 3 hour's time with Wayne Baumber via skype. The German goal was to prevent 8 British steps from exiting the east edge of the map with a small but efficient stike force. The British also have a capable force but are initially delayed by a cratered road and only allowed to enter 3 units a turn. Germany got the initiative on the first turn but I waited until the British took two activations before moving the armored car platoon and with it I moved straight down the road on the wadi to shock and confuse the advancing units instead of running ahead with the rest of the mobile force. This part of my plan worked and delayed the British transports but also put the armored car in harm's way. The second part of my plan was to block both the trail and the road further east with the remaining units and also dig them in before advancing units could get there but instead I unloaded APCs, an INF and the 37mm close behind the armoured car hoping to get one good close range, direct fire shot at foot units before they could get any further. The armored car was easily eliminated in an assault and the stack of APCs, INF and AT gun did not generate the results I anticipated.

I did manage to slow the advance for a while and caused a few failed morale checks. Also, the daring action with the armored car caused the 25-pdr to unload right away and stay out of range of the panzers, for a while at least. However, I soon lost the 37mm before it could be fired and found myself defending in another British assault. I clearly broke under pressure and deviated from from digging units in. I did get some relief when I managed to eventually eliminate a Bren carrier (which didn't count for exiting steps) and was very happy to have also eliminated a step of the A-13 tanks from a good distance. However I continued to find myself as the defender in this battle. After 3 step losses my initiative modifier went down and soon starting losing a lot more initiative rolls though I did manage to get off with a good start. Soon my panzers fell prey to assaults on the road but did get lucky enough to escape the assault hex a few times and did inflict one INF step loss in the fray. My panzers held out a lot longer than I expected, especially against the 25-pdr and 40mm AA guns which had now relocated to a very close and dangerous distance. Eventually all of my attack force was eliminated except for the one platoon of INF and two LTs. This last unit did what it could to prevent the inevitable and fought on until the end. I did get on lucky shot against a truck loaded with an HMG unit, demoralizing it and forcing it to unload but by that time enough British units were safe enough to exit off the map uncontested and to claim a victory.

It was a close run and had I been able to keep the panzers intact for another turn or two longer the battle may have ended in a draw or even possibly a German victory. I'm very sure that had I stuck with my original plans the outcome would have been a little better for Germany. The required amount of British steps were exited on turn 14 with just two turns left to go. Instead of just stopping there we let the Brens and INF have a two-turn shootout while the remaining, demoralized British units recovered. I give this scenario a '4' that it was a very good shared play (solo I had given it a '3' months ago) and the turn length is just right for what is expected of the opposing forces. The balance of play may slightly favor the British but not really by much. My mistake with the Germans was rushing into the attack impatiently and taking heavy risks too early on. My intention was too cause confusion and attempt to delay the enemy more than to try to annihilate them. That worked for a while but not long enough in the end. However, though I lost with the Germans I did do much better with them than the first solo play and with an actual opponent made the play at least twice as enjoyable.

2013-11-13 06:09

Good AAR Brett nice to see we agree that this one just favours the Britt. Speak to you soon.

2013-11-13 06:23

I am learning a lot playing with both you and Vince. Also still making that gradual transition from 2nd edition's vague rules to 3rd edition and annotated rules but old habits die hard. For example I used to think for some reason that armored units were only vulnerable to X results in assaults and so I need to eep that in mind more. Looking forward to the next session!

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