Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Blood on the snow
Author Bluebell88A
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2013-10-16
Language English
Scenario WiSo029

This is a very tough scenario for the Germans. Due to the snow the foot units can only advance 1 hex per turn. To exit 20 units off the south edge of the map requires all 10 AFV steps to survive, and transport 10 foot steps with them.

The American AFVs and AT gun set up in 2 groups either side of the N/S road, in order to achieve the cross fire bonus (hexes 1311 and 1312; and 0511 and 0610). The rest of the American forces set up in and amongst the towns in the middle of the map.

The Tiger 2s advanced south as far as the town in hex 0914 from where they engaged the American AFVs and the AT gun. They eliminated all of them in only 45 minutes, for the loss of one Tiger step. The Tigers then advanced south to within 3 hexes of town 0809 so that they could spot the defenders; they were followed by the less heavily armoured StuG111s.

Meanwhile the German foot units broke out of the woods in 2 groups, one heading for town 0809 and the other for town 0608. And that’s as good as it got, for the rest of the time they were subjected to constant artillery, mortar and direct fire. The remnants of both groups eventually reached the outskirts of their objectives, but neither of them was able to muster good order leaders and units simultaneously in order to start their assaults. German casualties mounted steadily and demoralized units headed back to the woods. Rather late in the morning the Tigers and StuGs moved adjacent to town 0809 to increase the effectiveness of their fire, but the Americans decided to stand fast and they often recovered morale as quickly as they became disrupted or demoralized. Between towns 0809 and 0608 the Americans did lose 6 M3s and 6 foot unit steps and several other units fled, but there were still enough reserves to reinforce the losses.

At the end, both sides had 7 leaders and 25 unit steps left. The Americans had lost no leaders and 33 unit steps (53 with AFVs counted as double); and the Germans had lost 5 leaders and 28 unit steps. The Americans were still in control of the 3 town hexes in the centre of the map, resulting in a Minor Victory to the Americans.

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