Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
No, it's not a retreat, it's a major victory!
Author scrane
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2013-09-18
Language English
Scenario KurS015

This was a pretty big tank battle for a 1-mapper. The soviets had elements of a tank brigade (grants and T34b's and c's) with which to hold a 4-hex town near some fields. The Germans had a battalion of tanks with companies of schutzen and motorcycles in support with which to take it.

The Russians put their T34s and some SMGs in the town and in a wood behind the town, and their Grants and some SMGs in the fields on the southeast flank.

The Germans attacked into the fields with most of their force, holding back half of their PZIVs as an assault force once the way to the town was open.

The fight in the field was a short range brawl as you'd expect. The Grants were pulverized but the SMGs held out nicely. Eventually the Germans committed their tank reserve to an end run to the east around the fields, hoping the mopping up in the fields would free up a few infantry to support them. The tanks drove into the teeth of the remaining T34s still holding the town and woods. Caught in a crossfire, the Germans lost half their remaining tanks and were thoroughly demoralized, deciding to pull back since they had inflicted significantly more casualties up to that point.

End result: Germans 36 VP, Russians 29 VP, a just barely a major German victory, but with a very bloody nose.

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