Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Leaders are everything
Author campsawyer (Soviet Union)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants vince hughes (AAR)
Play Date 2013-08-11
Language English
Scenario EFDx009

This was a play with Vince Hughes over Skype. This was a random selection of the scenario an is one of those early German-Soviet scenarios that has a tilt toward the Germans. Although the forces are roughly equal in capabilities two items give the Germans an edge, leaders selection and victory conditions. In our play the leaders were the key for the Germans. With typical post Stalin purge leaders of 9-0-0,8-0-0,8-0-0 and 6-0-0 it was going to hard for the Soviets to stand once the battle was started. The second item was the victory condition, if neither side achieves there conditions the Germans win. The only solution I saw for this was to get the Soviets into a position for the Germans to be forced to attack.

The attack start off with both sides dashing for the town. Germans moving first, with a surprise run for the town by the Stug. But then the Soviets, seeing the town about to be taken, get there force into the town and surround the lone Stug. The German infantry, being a bit slow, were now in a position to deploy earlier than expected, while the Soviets go after the Stug. The Soviet assault reduces the Stug, but at the reduction of a SMG and a demoralized leader. (At this point it starts to change for the Soviets)

The Germans call in artillery on the assault hex and double demoralized the leading Captain. This paralyzes the Soviets, but they are now on the defensive with the Germans having to attack. But at this point there luck has run out and they begin to crumble under effective fire by the Germans. Slowly the Germans push back the demoralized Soviets and accumulate there 12 steps lost. By turn 7 it is apparent that Soviet forces cannot get to any of their VC's.

AS I said early, leaders played the big part of this one. These could not hold the Soviet forces from bad morale rolls. Recoveries was slow and or non-existent while the continued German fire was generating more morale rolls. This scenario does have the ability to be interesting but it all depends on the leaders.

1 Comment
2013-08-13 15:33

Oh Alan he's gone and done it again

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