Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
The Hazards of Playing Solo too often
Author deleted (United States)
Method Face to Face
Victor Germany
Participants unknown
Play Date 2013-07-01
Language English
Scenario BaBu022

This is not so much an AAR as it is a report on how easy it is to forget rules with no one there to check you. I’ve got a month where I can play a LOT of PG, so I’m getting better and better. On this scenario, I quickly decided, for better or worse, to secure the first town by using the woods as needed, and by running in from the roads before the entering squads nearby could react. I was counting on some initiative and got it, but to quote the Three Amigos, “I really didn’t expect the first part of the plan to work.”

You see, even after 2 years of playing this game system, it being my only large-scale chit format wargame to date, I still have trouble “seeing” hills and terrain, and when I play face-to-face, this is readily apparent. My best friend and opponent quickly gave up the large woods when he realized I owned them and instead used offboards to weaken my moving vehicles; the trade off?: I completely devastated his assaulting troops coming from the east, but he got lucky with his arty and took out in one double-six roll my M16!! This immediately turned the tide a little to say the least, although for the time being the first town was mine. I had hoped and was rewarded that he chose to bring most of his troops from that 40 meter high hilltown as I didn’t want to assault it. The mistake I then made explains the issues solo play creates. I ran my 3 trucks with limbered guns through to be in range of the rapidly-moving wagontrain, but forgot that assaulting loaded trucks is automatic elimination! As a good friend should, he offered to let me move them back, but I don’t care about “winning”. I care about the play and fun of the fellowship, so I demanded to leave them there—it taught me many things.

The trucks are then gone, and I also broke a rule about leaving an assault which neither one of us caught. I had moved my m4’s into an assault alone (like an idiot) and then tried to remove them. I gave him the parting shot, but then moved them a full allowance instead of the one hex they are allowed. I would have never caught this playing solo, and he only caught the rule a turn later or so. He plays LOTS of wargames, most recently Downtown, London’s Burning and Tobruk all in the past month, and just forgot some of the PG rules.

He won the day by wearing me down, but the point here is that there are a lot of little rules that I just miss because I solo so much. My best friend is getting a camera for his computer so we can skype and play more often! In the meantime, I’m absolutely taking credit for playing the scenario, because I fought in those hills for 5 hours before we closed it out! I love this game!

2013-07-01 16:32

I love to hear of people playing ftf or head-to-head games as that is really what I do exclusively. I seem quite unable to solo (which is my loss I guess). But you made a point that I often point out. By suddenly playing against an opponent, you find out the rules you played in error or became entrenched in the brain but in the wrong format. You may also learn a few new tricks !

On the skype thing here is a heads up that may save you hassle and a $ or two.

All of us that Skype here in our group (about 7 people now) do not use cameras at all. It is all purely audio, simply relaying the hexes being entered and shouts of 'stop' ! if an opportunity fire chance comes up :-)

2013-07-01 19:50

Being able to move the full allowance when bailing out of an assault hex sure would be nice! ;-)

On the skype thing here is a heads up that may save you hassle and a $ or two.

Webcams are so cheap these days that he literally might save a $ or two. And what kind of anti-social weirdos opt to buy a mic instead of a webcam with mic? Don't want the NSA to see you haven't been flossing? :-P ;-)

2013-07-02 02:25

Hey you don't even play, cam or mic ! Give us a bit of leeway ! LOL

So if your still reading Mr Chasseur, point is, a simple mic is good enough :-)

2013-07-02 08:19

Funny stuff, today! We actually reset the scenario at about turn 14 and replayed the end. He still beat me. I couldn't hit anything! My guns seemed to be set on 7. He still managed to hold out long enough to get more VP's than me. Today i begin Bulge 5 solo, with the new rules better in my head. He is a teacher so summers are easy for him. Me, I'm off Mondays and Tuesdays...

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