Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Closing Thoughts
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2013-05-12
Language English
Scenario Dk44001

In looking at this one I felt that it had to be slanted towards a German victory. A German battalion, heavily endowed with AT weapons, holds a short ridge. A British battalion with a slew of thin skinned armor is chaged with piercing the line and exiting units to conduct a recon preparatory to the Alamein-style attack that is in the offing.

Due to the terrible inferiority of the British "armor", losses, even terrible ones, are inevitable. The real question is whether there is any strategy for the British to pursue which will result in a victory. I have to admit that I come down strongly on "no". Randy's AAR clearly indicates the possibilities open to the British player and I chose the concept of attacking on foot with the intention of tying up the AT guns in assaults and permitting my Stags and Stuarts to run the gauntlet.

The problem is that the Germans are in limiting terrain so I have to get close before I can do anything. So I push the infantry up. The sector of the German front that is not threatened reacts and sends a company to support the two that are threatened and the British are caught and flanked, and ultimately crushed. Two Stuarts and two Stags (not counters and not steps, individual AFVs) made it through the lines and only by surviving an M2 (both rolling snake eyes if you can believe it) following an AT hit by the Hetzer which came down off the ridgeline for a bit to ensure Op Fire at the two units attempting to exit the board.

The Brens were nearly useless as the Germans mined the road heavily forcing them to be off road and therefore no faster than the infantry they would carry. They did, however, provide a nice early target for the AT guns resulting in their early retirement out of range.

The ultimate problem for the British is that their force is just WAY too small to attack the Germans in their very powerful defensive position with any possibility of success. Their armor is likely to merely provide for ample VPs for the Germans and they are relatively immobile due to German mines and AT capability.

As a clear example of why one shouldn't make an attack of this sort, the scenario works well. Otherwise, this is merely a head banging. It might make a good beginner scenario with the beginner taking the Germans and the veteran taking the British. I give it a "2" for that.

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