Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Numbers Beat Quality
Author Hugmenot
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2013-04-21
Language English
Scenario WoaP001

Played solo in 7 hours.

I posted pictures of the Soviet setup in Post 2. The Soviets set up their first line of defense on a wide front to prevent the Germans from running to the river and crossing it quickly. A second line of defense is in the large wood on board 20, including all units which have bombardment capability. The plan is for the militia to always move to block the Germans advance and for the artillery to prioritize Germans leader. Slow the Germans enough and the Soviets stand a good chance of winning. Don't try to hold the road on board 25 but rather threaten to contest its control if the Germans do not leave a sufficient force to protect it.

The Germans advance on the road and in the north. Two hours in and the Germans have killed 5 steps and took no casualties. However, they have an uphill battle in front of them because there are lots of Soviets between them and the river and 2 of their leaders are demoralized.

The Germans decide to prioritize movement above all else at this point, even if its means suffering multiple opportunity fires at +3 column shift. Casualties mount and at end of 3 hours, the Germans have lost 13 steps while the Soviets have only taken 12. The big issue is they have only 3 leaders in good order at the moment.

The Soviets mount counterattacks not to kill Germans but rather to force the Germans to spend a turn in assault. But lo and behold, the Soviets are lucky and roll three sizes in a row. The German advance is momentarily stopped.

The Germans regroup and mount a final attack but they fall just short of the bridge.

The Soviets control the bridge, have 3 units on the road on board 25, and no Germans made it across the river.

Soviet major victory!

I rated this scenario a "4". I like controlling a large, weak force and you can't get much weaker than the Soviet militia!

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