Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Shell Casings
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2013-04-08
Language English
Scenario SioL003

One quick look at this scenario will point out that the German player has the benefit of a LOT of OBA for the task at hand. The Germans start with a superior force, with superior morale and vastly superior firepower. The Soviets have some entrenchments and town terrain which will help somewhat but they have to maintain their hold on the towns and keep the Germans from exiting the board. It quite simply is beyond their power.

The terrain will keep the Soviets from establishing mutually supporting positions. The northern sector is broken by woods and the southern section is broken by swamps. As a result the Soviets are relatively locked into their starting positions. Any moving force is likely to be crushed under the weight of the shelling. The Germans are therefore free to destroy the Soviets in detail while detaching just enough force to get the "exit" victory points and deny the Soviets a bonus for holding the Germans on board.

This one really isn't much more than an exercise in the use of multiple shelling of low morale forces. I would not suggest it for ftf unless you are trying to bring along a new player and you want to give them a chance to understand the use of OBA. Give them the Germans and expect to have your Soviets turned into paste. I give this one a "2".

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