Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Nice Intro to Armored Warfare
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2013-03-25
Language English
Scenario NoWi006

The heck with sight lines etc. It is night and the visibility range is 2 hexes. There are only a few places on the board where hiding is possible so this one comes down to maneuver and then a risk on the initiative roll as both sides outgun the other's armor protection. The Germans have a slightly better prospect with 4 and 5 armor against 5 and 6 AT factors for the Americans as opposed to the American's 3 armor factor against primarily 6 AT factors for the Germans. However there are more Americans and cross fire is much easier for them as they are more mobile.

In my play the Germans decided to close the range, as they almost always will since they need to move across the board and the Americans merely need to stop them. Unfortunately for them the Americans won the ensuing initiative and proceeded to rip the Germans apart. The Pz IV did get in a coupld shots before succumbing but too many vehicles were lost in the first barrage to give them a chance later on.

A bloody affair but a very, very good introduction to armored play. I don't think that the scenario itself is that gripping as it will inevitably come down to the initiative roll once the range is closed and the ensuing AT fire but as an intro to tank warfare there is little better.

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