Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Manado Getting their feet wet.
Author PatC
Method Solo
Victor Japan
Play Date 2013-03-23
Language English
Scenario NiSi001

The Axis assembly point was designated at 0709 and came in 15 minutes late. During the drop four platoons scattered on the board but out of the DZ and 2 more scattered off board. The rest of the Axis units landed in the DZ and took no step losses.

The Dutch setup with 1 HMG, 1 Armored Car, & 1 Inf + a 9-0-1 Lt. in hex 1209. In addition 1 HMG, 1 Inf + a 8-0-1 Lt. dug in on the airfield. Then there was the Inf and an 8-0-0 Major in hex 1207. Then to the west in the jungle a 9-1-1 Lt. and 2 Inf. in jungle hex 1007.

The Axis hoped to avoid a fight in the jungle which could get bloody. But the position of their DZ and the open ground around the the DZ conspired to force an attack through the Jungle. In addition a platoon landed in the jungle next to the Dutch positions. The Dutch assaulted on their turn and eliminated a step from the Axis platoon that had just landed there. Several Axis platoons including the Commander came to their rescue and the fight for the jungle was on!

By 11:15 the Axis had 7 platoons fighting in the jungle copse. They had lost an additional step but had caused 2 Allied Inf steps to be eliminated and in addition a step from the Armored car platoon. A special event sniper had killed the Dutch 9-1-1 Lt. Now the Allies were stuck leaderless in the jungle.

Meanwhile other Axis units were closing on the airfield. The Allies caused several disruptions and demoralizations to Axis units coming next to the airfield entrenchments. At the same time the Axis commander was still stuck in the jungle fighting it out with the leaderless Allied units.

Finally at 1230 the Axis assault went in vs the airfield. The Allies lost 3 more steps on the airfield entrenchments with the Axis suffering only disruptions. At 1pm the Allies lost 2 more steps at the airfield. But at the last gasp the Allies counter assaulted into the airfield loosing another step but contesting possession of the airfield. But the Axis had scored 11 points to the Allied 2 for a major victory.

Very good scenario. As usual with Para drops the condition and location of the dropped troops contribute a lot to the flow of the scenario. This was a good drop for the Axis. They were able to get going quickly because they were mostly concentrated on the DZ. Dutch leadership was mediocre at best. This could turn out vastly different with a relocated DZ and or a scattered drop and an improvement in Dutch leadership.

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