Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Closer than it looked, but still not close
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2013-03-06
Language English
Scenario EdlX019

This appears to be a meeting engagement except the onus is on the Soviets to attack and/or pass through the Germans. Of immense benefit is the Mountain HMG movement factor of 3. The Germans enter in the northwest, the Soviets in the southeast and the Soviets have to figure out how to exit through the Germans.

I made one significant mistake as the Soviets. I needed to find cover during the entry. Basically the Soviets need to make for the town and the fields and then try to sneak through the northeastern corner of the German line to get to the exit area. The Germans should have plenty of time to set up a defense if the Soviets do not try to rush them.

In my play I tried to rush the Germans and that proved to be a terrible strategy. The slow moving HMGs trailed leaving the infantry to do the dirty work without the firepower they needed. The infantry were caught in the open and slaughtered and the HMGs were toast slightly later. Only two platoons made it off board.

I would try to stay under cover as the Soviets the next time I try this one but I think it is tough sledding for the Soviets under any circumstances. It is fun to use the mobility of the German forces and I used the new laser cut Edelweiss pieces which I do like. In any event I give this one a "3". It is a bit of a puzzle for the Soviets but otherwise fun.

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