Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Are We There Yet?
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Japan
Play Date 2013-02-09
Language English
Scenario PotE004

This scenario is relatively unique in the PG universe in that one player doesn't know what reinforcements he will get and neither player knows how long the game will last. As a result, this one is a real blast. The Japanese start out holding onto some hills in Soviet territory and the Soviet goal is merely to wear down the Japanese until their initiative drops to zero. The Japanese have to hold off the initial Soviet attack and try to grind the Soviets off of the hilltop. They receive reinforcements on turn one and then each time their initiative drops. The Soviets meanwhile get reinforcements each third turn but the actual reinforcements are variable and could be just air support or OBA.

In my play the Soviets were on their back heel for the entire game. They were able to establish a strong position on the northern hilltop and tried like crazy to clear the Japanese off of the southern hilltop to no avail. The turn 1 Japanese reinforcements ran straight onto the center of the hill, chased the Soviet company that was there and the reinfrocing company. They then split up and supported attacks on both hilltops.

The Japanese attacks began to lose steam as the losses mounted but the second set of reinforcements arrived as they lost their first initiative point and their weight was sufficient to carry the rest of the hill and win the day. The Soviets were unlucky in their reinforcements as what was needed were troops and 2 of the five rolls resulted in air support.

This was a very engaging scenario as the scenario requires the Japanese to attack and gives the Soviet player the opportunity to cause losses through opportunity fire and assault which wear away the Japanese. If the Soviets can cause thirty total losses before the Japanese can chase them off the 40/60 meter hills they win. My Soviets had some terrible dice and lost on turn 16 or so but they had already caused 19 losses. All in all a very good time and a very fun mechanic. This one is well suited for any type of play, solo or ftf.

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