Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Is that a hill or are you just happy to see me?
Author deleted
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2013-01-28
Language English
Scenario BaBu002

Well now, this first “real” scenario of BoftheB caught me off guard a little. Right away, you need to understand LOS and hill terrain, as I just learned. Steel rain hurts…

Knowing the Amis could not move at all, I plopped 2 groups east of town behind the woods on the 20 meter hill that overlooks a peaceful (yeah…) valley shadowed by the large hill just east of town. That big hill encompassed a crossroads that I knew would be the gateway of my friends, the Jerrys. As they marched up the east side of that hill (I assumed) I waited. As turn 3 came along, I ran the trucks up into those woods east of town just in front of the other units, the idea being that as soon as I could spot something, I would reinforce from there. I then realized I forgot one horrible detail that is not always obvious when playing a game on a flat board. The Jerrys will higher than me and had a farther LOS!! Even with rolling a limited 5 hex sightline (per scenario), they could still see me planted there with my at gun BEFORE I could see them! Uh-oh… Not only did they roll an 11 with a really good offboard arty call (!!) but I had both units in the same hex with the trucks and with an 11, I lost all units!!! (remember the mg’s come in down a step). Even rolled out the leader…so…by the time the other Amis moved, there was nobody there to reinforce.

I admit I didn’t totally finish the battle, but the Amis were being quickly mowed. Even as the town treats as a 20m hill, the Jerrys just marched into the nearest set of woods and just rained steel so bad I gave up the scenario. I will replay a second time and note that stupid hill.

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