Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Spanish Legions make there mark.
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Spain
Play Date 2013-01-15
Language English
Scenario BluD001

This was a solo effort to given the Spanish Legions a try. I found them to be very powerful with their high morale and decent leaders. Even a basic infantry force was impressive enough that it could have probably taken on a tank unit on it's own as well. As for a scenario, I thought this one well, but I have some caveats. First, the Spanish have the edge with morale and the possibility of decent leaders compared to average to poor morale and average to poor leader draws for the Soviets. Second, using the Spanish will require some though as they can have some impressive fire power, many 16 and 22 column attacks, but the Spanish player will need to be creative. Third, the Soviets can stage a good defense if they are willing to sacrifice all of his units. My game came down to the end with a demoralized fleeing unit turning the game for the Spanish. But here is the details.

After crossing the Volkhov River, Soviets responded with heavy forces to counter-attack. The Spaniards have the 250th Replacement Battalion strike first and expand the bridgehead. Even though they were called a "Replacement Battalion" these units were anything but green. With high morale (9/8) and good leaders (3xTeniente 9-1-1 and 10-1-1) they would be ready for the attack. Setting up north of their objectives, (the two towns on board 17) they were positioned together in a small woods north of the east-west road. There would be reinforcements that would arrive at 1:30pm (Turn 6) from the north.

Their objective was to take the two small towns to there south (Board 17). This was the center of the Soviet defense to the south of their bridgehead. If they could take these it would disrupt any Soviet advance from that direction. The battalion would need to secure the woods and fields around the towns before making any assaults, but the Soviets had a little time and had fortified the area with dugin positions and mines. The Spaniards would advance due south crossing through a small town they had already secured (southerly town on board 18), clear the large woods to the south-east and the fields to the south-west before pushing into the two towns.

The Soviets had a defense of depth to try to slow the Spaniards as much as possible. Two INF companies were positioned on the northern perimeter of the large woods. Another INF company was to the west dugin in the fields. Both groups could support each other and cover the center. Behind them, in the towns were the HMG's companies. One group with the Soviet Lt. Colonel covered the larger town. They would cover the east and west approaches with mines lining the woods to the north. In the smaller town INF and HMG covered the roads with mines in the fields to the north.

Both sides have good OBA support 2x16 for the Spaniards and 3x12 for the Soviets. Onboard artillery support goes to the Soviets with 3x 81mm mortars and a 76.2mm gun, while the Spanish have just one 81mm mortar. Initiative should be held by the Spanish with a +3 differential.

The first hour of the attack is spent with the Spaniards maneuvering troops forward. As stated before, the attack with be due south through there captured town. This town is used a a staging for HMG fire on the large woods to the south. Several INF's advance into the open to brave the Soviet skirmishers and drawing fire so that supporting OBA and HMG's can suppress them. The INF's are able to shake off some of the opening shots but disruptions and demoralizations appear as Soviet OBA starts to fire on them. The Spaniards draw first blood with a double demoralization of one of the screening Soviet INF's. Heavy fire by the Spanish supporting units disrupt and demoralize the Soviet INF's and they begin to fall back into the woods. The Spaniards follow destroying many of the units and their leadership.

Slowly, the Soviets fall back in the woods as the Spanish advance pushes in to clear the woods. Two Soviet platoons from the fields move to support the fleeing INF's and setup in the southern edge of the woods. Fire by the Spaniards cannot dislodge them, but some ill targeted Soviet OBA hits the stubborn Soviet troops killing one step and demoralizing the others. The Spanish quickly move to remove the holdouts and the woods is effectively cleared.

This has give time for the Soviet Major holding the smaller town to reposition his HMG's to the fields north of his town as well as the other company holding the northern fields to fire on the Spanish flanks slowing their progress. The Spaniards take an hour to reposition and reset their assault force, while a small flanking force to the west moves down the woods edge to setup for an eastward assault on the large town. Battling with Soviet mortar fire a Capitan and Teniente maneuver a company down before they are hit with Soviet fire from the east of the town. The Teniente is able to take two INF's and assault the mortars in the woods just west of the town. This give the Spaniards a view of the town to threaten from the west.

In the center Spanish OBA begins to work over the Soviet Major's HMGs. A couple of good strikes demoralize the HMG's and a couple of Spanish INF's are able to close for the assault. Fire by the Soviets to cover the Major was weak and eventually his position falls to the better moraled Spaniards. This gives a good position to attack the western town as well as support an attack on the eastern. But the biggest gain for the Spanish was the demoralization and fleeing of an INF from the southern edge of the large woods.

After Spanish HMG fire demoralize the unit it flees into the town causing an over-stack. Earlier fire by the HMG in the over-stack had exposed the position for OBA fire and a devastating barrage was to come scoring a set loss and demoralization to the remaining units. This was the opening that the Spaniards needed. Rushing in ENG's and INF's they assault the hex killing most before destroying the fleeing remnants. The Soviets had not much chance for the town. But the smaller town was a different story.

After the loss of the Major and his HMGs, this left just two INF's with an green LT to hold the small town from the Spanish. Repeated OBA fire on the town yielded results but the INF's held out and passed the morale checks. It wasn't unit a weak INF shot caused a morale check before the started to crack. The Spaniards closed on the town once morale was in question, but Soviet fire disrupted many and force the Spaniards to recover. But eventually, the Soviets demoralized with the sight of the Spaniards and fled. Forgetting their minefields they ran straight into them destroying one INF in the process.

The large town was still being contested when it came down to the end. A final Spanish assault on INF remnants and an HMG required several turns to demoralize, but finally fled on recovery attempts, giving the Spaniards the win.

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