Panzer Grenadier Battles on September 20th:
Counter Attack #45 - Crossing the Han Polish Steel #9 - Our People are Beating the Drums
Land Cruisers #6 - Bring me the Head of St. John the Baptist
No Wins, No Rings, Plenty of Doom
Author rerathbun
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2013-01-08
Language English
Scenario Edel013

I played this scenario with the downloadable German leaders available at Edelweiss New Counters.

The Soviets set up in the light woods across the road, with all units within shooting distance of the road. Two small groups set up in forward positions flanking the main line. Most of the German mountaineers set up in the south, with a company in the north to prevent the Soviets from shifting all of their units to meet the main attack.

The Germans quickly took out the two forward positions, but lost several steps to off-board artillery as they moved up to the main line. Some poor rolling by the Mountain troops in the assaults on both ends of the line allowed the Soviets to hang on as the German casualties mounted. By halfway through the scenario, the Germans lost enough steps for a Soviet victory and had barely made a dent in the Soviet line.

The remainder of the scenario had the Germans desperately trying to achieve a draw. It looked like a sure Soviet win, but in the last two turns German assaults and off-board artillery managed to demoralize all of the Soviets that remained within range of the road, fulfilling the German victory conditions and earning a draw.

This seems like a tough scenario for the Germans, but I can see that a few good dierolls early on could change that. The Soviet artillery was lethal, accounting for half of the German casualties. It was very bloody, with 18 German and 37 Soviet step losses. The scenario was a nail-biter at the end. It would have rated a '4' if I'd been playing for a win (for both sides) instead of a draw.

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